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<NONSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP> wanting to have relations with my boyfriend?

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My beloved & I are both not interested in sex, but we still have intimacy (basically foreplay acts). And it's basically the emotional equivalent of making love. We're both extremely happy & satisfied w/ it.


He's the first relationship I've gotten /this/ adultishly serious with (& anticipating last relationship I ever have) so new feelings have arisen.



I'm currently accross the country on vacation, & I miss him a loootttttt (which I usually would get over)


But I feel like I /want/ him intimately right now. Like, I wanna demisexual him up right now. I long to make love w/ him, make him feel good, and feel good along the way. I ravenously crave him.


I don't know how to tell him that, w/o him thinking I'm just horny for him, because that's not me, & it's not just horniness (I dislike that word...)

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Lol we're not younglings, but demisexual is we're one just doesn't have sexual urges except w/ one person that they form an exceptionally deep bond with.


That bond won't even be /capable/ of happening until I feel ready with who I am in my adult life.



I don't want /sexual/ contact as intercourse & such, but I'm longing for some of our intimate love sessions.

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Okay I am really confused by your post. Number one, you should NOT be afraid or ashamed of being "horny". We are all only human. Everyone gets that way. And it sounds like how you are feeling it for your boyfriend. He won't be offended or disgusted if you tell him you are horny. He will be flattered and excited if anything. Guys LOVE hearing that, trust me. It is a confidence booster in both their looks and your passion for them. Tell him the truth, he may help out out with that problem... also he is your boyfriend. This is kind of one of the things you get a romantic partner for...


Number two, related to above, honestly why don't you just have sex with him when you get back from your vacation? I mean real sex, not this "demisexual" stuff you are talking about. I've studied sexuality in college and I've honestly never heard of such a thing. It sounds like maybe you aren't getting enough satisfaction through this considering how you feel now on vacation. This stuff you are doing sounds torturous. Do either of you even reach orgasm doing whatever you are doing? What are you doing, exactly? Foreplay acts, of what kind?


Seriously this stuff sounds like it builds you up for a whole lot of nothing. You need to have real sex to get rid of these urges and feelings IMHO. Lastly but not least, you are on vacation. In the meantime you will have to get rid of your problem the old fashion way; with your hands.

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not this "demisexual" stuff you are talking about. I've studied sexuality in college and I've honestly never heard of such a thing.

A Music man studying sexuality in collegel I'm sincerely impressed! From my recent searches, this word popped in two different places: UrbanDictionary and Tumblr. Both are sites frequented by teenage users.


Ok, relationships are never a constant thing- they change as time goes. Being in a healthy adult relationship requires having open communication with each other without fear of rejection or shaming. You each have boundaries to keep the relationship in balance and know how to respect them. Sexual desire stems from attraction to a particular person. And if you aren't serious or ready for sex, then you need to ease down on the intimacy- because eventually they will lead to sex.


So what relationship do you want from this guy? Is he the type of person who easily loses respect of people?

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Thank you all for your responses! Sorry for the last update, but I've been w/o a phone due to a turn of events.


I got just as flustered typing this as I would've had I just communicated all this to him. He's like me in which hasn't an interest in intercourse. We both acknowledge someday in the far future, but in the meantime, what we do is perfect.


Anyway, this is the first time I've come to a forum to ask for advice, because this is the first time I've ever had this.


I ended up just copy/pasting my post to him, and we talked about it.


I don't know how to explain everything while still making sense & not sounding comical or childish


So long story short, we talked about it, and everything is thumbs up n_n yay resolution



Thanks again, all

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