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Not enjoying my new house...or paranoid through lack of sleep...


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Hi everyone...


I was wondering whether anybody else lived alone somewhere pretty rural and enjoyed it...

I should love it here, it's green and pretty and peaceful, but it's just getting on my nerves and I'm unhappy with only hearing the sound of wind and birds...

I'm getting a DAB radio on Thursday night...that may help...

But since moving here I've been feeling lonely and pretty depressed and not sleeping that well...


Yesterday as well I was exhausted, both from a very stressful job, some money problems and also from having moved here and not settling in...when I was very upset my boyfriend seemed to just minimise it and act like I should be fine and pull myself together, when I feel like I can't...then we had an argument because I said it appeared that he didn't care about how I felt...at bedtime I said "I love you" and he said "do you?"...

This has happened before though...when I'm down he always seems to make out it was nothing and I shouldn't be feeling that way...it's like I have to pretend to be dandy and fine all the time around him...


So feeling very down today, in a way it'd be better if he left since I probably don't love him enough...though we were getting on pretty well before this and I was happy, I have a few doubts though...


I'm just wondering whether anybody else lives somewhere peaceful on their own and whether they love it or hate it...


One good thing is though I'm determined to invite people round here and mix more and socialise! Otherwise I can't bear the loneliness...


Just feeling down today and hoping it is lack of sleep, leading to paranoia...I stopped myself earlier, but I was going to go on to Facebook and look at pictures of a very pretty girl who is a mutual friend of ours...and I thought, why am I torturing myself like this? Facebook is depressing me too, I don't dare comment upon feeling melancholy since maybe nobody will comment back...


Sorry this is such a miserable post! Eclipse xx

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I use to go to Suffolk for work and stay in a cottage in the most rural area ever, seriously NO cars came past after 8pm ish and I hardly slept, I'd say 2 hours a night as I felt nervous all night without any outside noise (Im a city girl), so I feel for you! But as you have chose to live in a rural area AND it is your home I would imagine you'd feel at ease, clearly you don't though. Maybe get extra locks on your windows/doors etc, do you have an alarm? that's a defi I'd say!


As far as your BF goes I personally think he is being very insensitive, I would talk to him about how your feeling and if he still continues to make you feel like you can't express your feelings/concerns/worries/thoughts to him then I'd re-think the relationship!! Every girl needs a man that they can rely on, to make them feel better when they are down

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Based on this and some of your other threads, I think you're giving your bf a lot of responsibility regarding your happiness. Why not break up with him if you don't really love him and start to enjoy your life without him? All of your threads name is as a reason you're not happy and he'd be easier to get rid of than your house!

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