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Wiseman2 last won the day on May 4

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Community Answers

  1. If you are interested in her as a date don't tag along with your parents. Get tickets for the two of you as a real date. You can explain to your parents. But asking her to buy a ticket and tag along with your parents isn't a date, so it depends on if you just want a music buddy or something more.
  2. Priests And Nuns Drink Ale 🍻 DOPEY πŸ€ͺ
  3. Sorry this happened. You must feel betrayed. Unfortunately you two hit it off well and only then did he reveal his deception and only upon confrontation. Hopefully you will be able to either let go and consider the relationship or more forward.
  4. Only People Eat Nasty Stuff 🀒 RENTS🏒
  5. The oldest profession is all about that. There are high maintenance divas and divos everywhere. There's also prince charming fairy tales.
  6. Newts And Cats Have Odors πŸ† RASPY πŸ—£οΈ
  7. Many Animals Need Organized RunsπŸˆβ€β¬› VIPER πŸ‰
  8. It goes both ways. There are plenty of rescuers that are women. They mother and coddle men. Agree that both the rescuers and the "fragile" have major self esteem issues. Still not sure what this rant is really about with the switch hitting from men are "simps" to women are damsels?
  9. Manners are still alive and well in some circles so if I open a door for a lady I would hardly call that being "simo" or toxic. Depends on how you were brought up an what circles you travel in.
  10. Please consult an attorney for information advice and support. Please keep your cool no matter what and don't do anything that will get you in trouble legally such as confronting this guy and trying to have an altercation. You're jeopardizing yourself and your children.
  11. Laughing And Tickling Can Hurt πŸ˜† WREST πŸ’ͺ
  12. Maybe he picked bowling because he wants to see you in smelly rented clodhoppers instead of cute sandals? Have fun, enjoy your adventure.
  13. Keep On Adding Less Artifacts πŸ–ΌοΈ BLANK 😢
  14. Great update. Glad you gave it another chance. I was rooting for him because he seemed to have a good character underneath the exterior first impression. The cookies were where he gets a lot of points.
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