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  1. Jumping on to say, I find it discouraging that some people's criteria for determining if an elderly woman is worth dating is whether or not she "still looks good" or if she looks younger than her true age. To me that is awfully dismissive. Most elderly people look, well, elderly. Does that mean they're unworthy of romantic love? I guess if I make it to my 70s and I don't look like I'm in my 50s I should accept that I'm completely undateable and should resign myself to sitting at home alone watching Lawrence Welk reruns with my ten cats 😜 However, OP, that doesn't seem to be YOUR criteria. You seem to appreciate her joyful spirit and are not attracted to her based on her appearance. So I commend you for that.
  2. I've had younger men approach me similarly. They presume since I'm middle aged and single I'm starved for sex and would leap at the chance to get laid 🙄 Nothing to do with wanting to take me out on a date.
  3. They probably talked about work stuff because that's what they have in common. I doubt they did it to deliberately exclude you. If I went to a get together with coworkers I wouldn't have much else to talk to them about other than work or maybe to ask about their families. I just don't know them well enough to talk about anything else. If you didn't enjoy yourself you aren't obligated to go anymore. I went to the Christmas party the first year I worked for a previous company and had such a lousy time I didn't bother going the next year. I didn't feel obligated.
  4. I locked my laptop at 2:48. Walked to the bathroom, went to the bathroom (#1), washed my hands, walked back and unlocked my laptop and it was...2:48. Now I know for sure I'm being screwed with.
  5. Imagine your kids continuing to witness the screaming fights and having them be emotionally damaged as a result. Have that be your motivation. You may not be starting the fights and you may be trying to avoid them but they're still happening. I can still remember my parents' fights and they happened over 45 years ago. Your kids are innocent. They don't deserve to live in a household where infidelity and screaming fights are happening.
  6. Are your parents paying for your schooling? Have you arranged to meet in person? Do you have any means of income to pay for travel expenses?
  7. Are you two legally married, or living together as a family but not married? If you're not legally married I still highly recommend you see a family law attorney. You can find out what your rights as a father are, what you could expect regarding custody, child support and visitation and any other legal questions you might have. If money is tight you can get advice from a paralegal. I used a paralegal for my divorce and everything turned out fine. But getting legal advice is very important.
  8. Have you arranged to meet in person? If so, when, where and how? Are you a student or do you have a job? Or both? How about her?
  9. The fighting in front of the kids has got to stop. Immeasurable damage is being done to them. I can tell you as both a child of divorce and a divorced mother myself, it's much worse on the kids to be subjected to and live in a household where there's discord than in two separate but peaceful households. I was tremendously relieved when my parents finally got divorced because my home life had been so awful. My son did fine after the divorce. We made sure to reassure him he was loved and that he spent plenty of time with both parents. He is currently happily married and has a good career and is a law-abiding citizen. He's a good young man. Make sure your kids know they are loved. Do not trash talk their mother. Don't introduce them to anyone you're dating unless and until you're fairly certain it's going to be a long term relationship. I also recommend counseling for yourself and for the kids. Good luck.
  10. I would report him to the agency. He's likely preying on other clients which is supremely unprofessional. He unfortunately also knows where you live and your contact info, so that's why I think reporting him is a good idea.
  11. What would be the goal of telling her off? Or of refusing to allow her to come along with you and your new friends? It seems you felt (and still feel) pain, resentment and a sense of abandonment from her so you want her to feel those same things. But let's say you follow through with telling her off and refusing to invite her to come along. What would that accomplish? Do you think you would feel better afterward?
  12. Poop discussion warning. Finally this morning, about 15 minutes after I got to the office, I was able to go. A nice big emptying of everything that had been stuck. I hope I'll be able to get better and the pain will finally go away. I do like the office better on Fridays. Almost no one in my area comes in. It's much more quiet and the bathroom isn't always occupied by someone else. I think I'll ask my manager if I can switch from Thursdays to Fridays. The original intent was for us to all be in the office on the same days, but even when we are if we have meetings they're still over Teams! So what's the point???
  13. I had a bizarro dream about my former FWB that was factually pretty accurate. In real life he stole from his father's company (where he was being paid TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS a month tax-free) and rightfully was given the boot. In my dream he was trying to run his own version of the company and I went by for some reason. Which I would never do because I think stealing is wrong, particularly from family. Very strange dream!
  14. I agree it was rude of him to not follow through and let you know the pertinent info. But I don't know that it makes him a "player", even if he touched your arm. If you decide to view him so negatively and assign motivations to him with little to no evidence (he's trying to 'hook up' with me!) your interactions with him at work will be exceedingly uncomfortable.
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