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pippy longstocking

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pippy longstocking last won the day on November 25 2020

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  1. Hello darling girl xxx Hope you and our ena baby are doing well and are happy xxxxx Thankyou too for your kindness xx
  2. Thankyou , very kind of you Travel xx
  3. Thankyou my lovely darling xxx I always miss you when I leave for a bit , you know that xxx
  4. It was a rotten time for you vics and I am honoured I got to go some of the journey with you xx
  5. Thankyou vics and for your constant support at the other place xxxx I appreciate it so much xxx
  6. A little bird told me cheet was back , so I have popped in quickly to say hello darling , haven't seen you forever .xxx Please keep taking this seriously everyone ..covid has taken my brother , two weeks ago ,he is only 57 😪 our family have been to hell and back . Keep safe xx
  7. miss you my love xxxx

  8. I am sorry to hear that . So many have died alone here ...well when I say alone , the beautiful souls in the care homes have done their best and not literally left them alone ..but no family . It is what you described ..they go from the care home , to the hospital and back in March they just got sent back to the care homes with no test ... which then spread and spread . There have been stories that have brought me to my knees Big respect to your boy reinvent .
  9. Are all your care homes suffering just out of interest ?
  10. I have ran the same thought about my mum , not so much my dad because he died when I was 26 , so a long time ago . I have kinda ran pointless scenario's through my head of how I would of got to her and could I have brought her back to the city I live in and blah blah blah ...I couldn't of coped if my mam was frightened and I couldn't of done anything . So I relate .
  11. Oh good grief , I cringed my way through that ... awful , irresponsible and not acceptable . Hoping you are feeling ok .
  12. If that sentence doesn't get through to people , then noting will ...awful for her .
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