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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    The Complexity of Popularity: Exploring the Childhood Personality Trait That Makes You Liked

    We often say we want to be liked, yet how much control do we have on whether our efforts in this realm should be successful or not? How much of the way people respond to us is circumstantial and how much of it comes from personality traits that trace back to our childhood years? In order to find the answers to these questions and gain a different perspective on the complexity of popularity we need to analyze the childhood personality trait that makes you liked.

    As we’re growing up, often our parents and siblings will make judgments and assessments about who we are and what kind of personalities we’re developing. The familial conception of our natural inclinations, though seeing them as flaws or endearing qualities, can shape how we interact with others. According to Alexandra Apovian M.D., F.A.C.N., F.A.C.P., research in psychology suggest the traits that keep us popular correspond closely with those established in childhood.

    These traits will vary depending on the individual, but often times a ‘loved’ child will show qualities of being helpful, respectful and understanding. This doesn’t mean that everyone who exhibits these characteristics will be ‘popular’, simply that they will be easily received in social encounters. Children who display these traits often straddle the line between assertive leadership and coordinated cooperation among their peers.

    Alternatively, some children might develop an intentional willingness – a characteristic of knowing that there’s no definitive single opinion for everyone, therefore diversity should always be respected. Growing up surrounded by this kind of attitude reduces prejudice, aids tolerance and encourages creativity. To have deep emotions and an intense level of care towards key issues is associated with the same kind of respect and reception, making it easier to be accepted by many.

    It’s important to consider that experiences and behaviors around people are just as consequential as any innate character trait when it comes to being liked. Personality traits such negativism and aggression, similarly those that tend to result in dramatic incidents, are likely to thwart any chance at sympathetic relationship between people. It’s here that a governing ‘maturity’ comes in. Understanding the effect of our words and behavior and combining it with practice in how to handle ourselves can give us the tools necessary to build good relationships with people.

    It’s not possible to guarantee anyone’s popularity, rather it’s better to foster an environment of awareness, understanding and open communication so that we can enhance our social skills and increase the chances of being perceived favorably. Combining and refining our childhood personality traits in tandem with a sound sense of communication helps us become liked in all kinds of settings. It’s not only our own behavior that can give us an influence in people’s minds and hearts, but also our ability to appreciate and recognize others.

    When all is said and done, looking for understand each other is the best way to go about assessing what personality traits determines favorability. Diving into understanding childhood personality attributes, searching for acceptable behavior, finding capabilities in communication and investing in relationships may just be the answer to making the most out of any situation and gain admiration. Learning to embrace life and look for admiration from within is the key to having a happier social life.

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