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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Moving When Your Husband Chooses and You're Unhappy

    No one ever plans on becoming unhappy in their current situation, especially when it has to do with a decision made by a spouse. After all, you chose to dedicate yourself to your husband, to adapt and grow together, wherever that journey leads you both. But, what happens when you find yourself in the town of his choosing, feeling colder and friendless? If things just aren’t working out, if the atmosphere doesn't feel welcoming and supportive, then maybe it’s time to start considering a move, as hard as it may be.

    Taking steps, or getting ready to take them, can be difficult and bring up many emotions. You might feel scared, uncertain, lost, and frustrated. What if family and friends are located far away? Moving may seem a daunting task. But, this shouldn't stop you from trying to better your life. It’s possible and more than worth it to make yourself a priority and reclaim the happiness you desire.

    Your emotional wellbeing should always come first, regardless of any promises or commitments you previously made. Your emotional health is of utmost importance and it shouldn't be compromised for anyone, not even your spouse. Nobody should feel trapped in a situation that drains their energy, zaps their confidence, or depresses them.

    If you choose to move, then keep in mind that the change can be stressful. Setting aside enough time for the move and for readjusting is essential. Clearing away any past stresses, grievances, or worries with your spouse should take priority in order to avoid unnecessary bitterness or heated discussions.

    Finding a new home, in another area, can be intimidating. To get started, you could do some research on neighborhoods that may offer a sense of safety, understanding, and acceptance. Searching through rental websites and seeing which amenities are available can help narrow down the search.

    When funds allow, take a couple of trips to look at potential living spaces. During the relocation process, you should have no problem remaining connected to old friends and colleagues; social media and video conferencing apps make that easy. You might even discover potential new connections.

    When the move is complete, don’t isolate yourself — embrace the opportunities around you. Join affinity groups that share your interests, or perhaps look for activities that get you off the couch and enjoying a new scenery. Most of all, be patient. Create space for yourself and open yourself up to new experiences that may enrich your heart and challenge your spirit.

    If I’m unhappy, cold, and friendless in the town my husband chose to move to, I want to move. Moving doesn’t have to be a daunting experience. With enough preparation, it can be liberating and give me the chance to rebuild my sense of contentment and connect with like-minded people. No matter how scary the thought may seem, reaching out to family and seeking help are all important steps to get your life back. Don’t hesitate to take this risk — you'll be glad you did.

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