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  • kamurj

    Balancing Thoughts and Feelings to Enhance Your Relationships

    At times we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and unable to see beyond our own experiences. We can become misguided in our expectations based on our feelings, instead of understanding the feelings and thoughts of others. In order to build successful and long-lasting relationships, it’s important to understand how to balance our own thoughts and feelings, in order to truly appreciate the experience of that relationship.

    Fundamentally gone wrong are relationships where one person places more value on their own thoughts and feelings, than that of their partner's. This creates an unbalance, and it makes it difficult for the relationship to grow. In one-sided relationships, partners often don’t know how to navigate their emotions, as if their ‘gut instinct’ is unraveling faster than they can control it. Suddenly, all the focus is on fulfilling the needs of one person, leaving the other person feeling neglected.

    On the other hand, embracing both feelings and thought can result in a much stronger bond between two partners. It not only allows each person to present their thoughts in an affirming way, but create a pathway for meaningful dialogue. Working together cultivates an understanding of both emotions and thinking. Both parties slowly become an emotional team where they recognize the other's opinion and feelings, which can lead to strong mutual understanding and respect.

    Another factor which influences how well-balanced our relationship is, is communication. This helps prevent any feelings of loneliness or hurt that may arise in a relationship when partners fail to understand each-others needs. Expressing yourself honestly and openly can help strengthen understanding and ensure both parties' needs are acknowledged. Without this, a relationship is more likely to feel empty and void of respect and empathy.

    In addition, in well-functioning relationships, partners should strive to help each-other think differently. This deepens their insight, breeds creativity and encourages problem-solving strategies. It creates an environment in which ideas are shared, rather than focused on just one particular point of view.

    However, no matter how much effort is made to ensure balance between thoughts and feelings, there are always moments of discomfort. In such moments it’s important not to forget the power of self-care. Yourself is your greatest resource and getting in tune with it, strengthens your intuition and makes you more open to positive meaningful relationships.

    When two partners recognize their own emotional intelligence and embrace their partner's, it creates a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves. relationships require effort and understanding - both of our own and that of our partners. Acknowledge the power of both thoughts and feelings, express them honestly and strive to create an understanding of each other. This makes it easier to develop a balanced and fulfilling relationship.

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