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  • kamurj

    The Unexpected Ways Your Personality Shifts as You Age

    As we grow older and reach the brink of adulthood, it's common to experience unexpected changes in our personalities. Whether the adjustments are subtle or more pivotal, it can be unnerving to recognize that you're no longer the same person you were before. It can seem like a betrayal of oneself.

    It's important to take stock of these shifts and understand that they come with life's natural evolution. Each age brings with it new experiences and new realizations, which often times means your identity must adapt and grow accordingly. Think about it like a tree: removed of its leaves and adapting to the changing weather conditions. Your personality will evolve too with the help of self-reflection and wisdom.

    One of the sudden changes that many adults encounter, typically those in their mid-twenties and older, is emerging independence. You may notice that you're not only thinking independently but acting on it as well. Your needs and desires become clearer and you prioritize them higher than ever before. Suddenly, you're your own decision maker. This newfound intuition can help turn creative ideas into realities, whether it’s partaking in a side gig or booking a solo vacation.

    Another more internal shift is experienced when starting to recognize your level of ambition in life. It's likely that the jobs and passions you lust after may have changed from what you originally desired in your twenties. That’s normal and can be exciting! Instead of dreaming of a career as a globetrotting journalist, maybe now you aspire to own your own shop. If your goals have shifted, don’t be alarmed. As a somewhat wise person once said - it’s never too late to reinvent yourself.

    Your relationship towards money and working is likely to have evolved too. Financial instability can seem like a burden in your twenties, but in your thirties you may begin to understand the value of money and how to use it responsibly. You may go from spending carelessly, to taking initiative and saving. Your attitude may deepen too; Debt becomes something to be managed rather than ignored, and long-term investments suddenly become attractive.

    A noticeable adjustment that comes along with aging is understanding your approach to love and relationships. When least expected, your interest in casual hookups can subside, shifting to an innate understanding of what you seek in a future partner. Other changes may be surrounding commitment: a choice made out of love rather than fear.

    Most recently, it’s also possible you may sense a maturity in how you interact with family members: adult siblings, parents, even close friends. This can present itself as short conversations filled with newfound respect. What used to feel like rivalry transforms into support or even joint planning.

    What's certain is that growing older will provide you with tremendous insight and self-knowledge, including awareness of your unique personality traits. Recognizing how they shape yours decisions and feelings, and how they change over time will leave you better off-equipped for adulthood.

    It's fitting to end off with words of wisdom from Buddhist monk and poet Thich Nhat Hanh; “If we are not fully ourselves, truly in the present moment, we miss everything.” Embrace the changes that come with age, and you'll be on your way to fully embracing who you are meant to become.

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