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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Setting Goals Gives You a Path in Life

    Growing up, most of us were taught to set goals for our lives and to work hard to achieve them. But, somewhere along the way we may have lost sight of why these goals are important and how they give us a lens to view life from. Whether your goals are centered around relationships, career and money, parenting and family, or any other aspect of life, they help give you direction and purpose. Without goals, opportunities can pass us by and we could be left asking ourselves why “life isn’t fair.”

    Having a goal gives a person focus on what they want to achieve or accomplish. It can also provide motivation by showing a clear pathway to that goal. It is easier to understand what kind of actions need to be taken when there is an end target in mind. For example, if you have a goal of losing 10 pounds in 6 months, then eating healthier and exercising regularly would be important steps. Knowing that each decision and action brings you closer to your ultimate goal will keep motivation high.

    Having goals can also keep people from becoming complacent. If you have a goal that you want to work towards it will push you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to take risks and try things that may have once seemed daunting. When there is a goal to work towards, even failure is beneficial as it means that you are learning how to reach your goal in different ways.

    Goals also help to support personal growth. While part of our self-development is learning to have flexibility to adjust our goals at times, when we have goals, it allows us to find self-limitations that can be a good learning experience. It helps people become aware of their own capabilities and talents and encourages them to use those skills to reach their goals. Furthermore, having goals can open new pathways to personal growth and development when reached, as it opens up other areas of potential growth.

    Setting and achieving goals also gives people a feeling of accomplishment when they complete a task. People often see themselves or their confidence grow with each achievement. This helps build self-esteem and gives a sense of pride and excitement when tasks are completed. Additionally, completing goals in the face of adversity has the ability to hugely increase motivation and provide outlets for stress.

    Finally, having goals can help provide an overall balance in our lives, helping us prioritize certain aspects over others. With goals, we are constantly evaluating our lives and how best to proceed, which makes us think about our values, priorities, and how best utilizes our current resources. The sense of planning will also provide assurance that problems are being dealt with responsibly in order to achieve our desired goal.

    Having goals gives people a clear direction in life by providing a lens to view the world through. They give clarity to where a person is currently at, and where they should be going. Having a goal offers focus, motivation, and highlights areas of achievements. Goals also benefit a person’s self-growth and provide balance in their lives so that life events and decisions can be seen and evaluated in the proper context. Finally, goals help to provide a sense of accomplishment and pride when goals are achieved.

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