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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Reclaim Your Authentic Self: How to Become More of the Human You Are

    The world has an unyielding pressure to change and conform to others, but against the current of this external pressure is the force of our inborn identities that keep us rooted in our essence. One of life's grea joys is to connect with our soul identity to reclaim the human that we are and live an authentic life. To become more of the human you are requires both courage and discipline.

    Accepting ourselves is sometimes easier said than done. We live in a world of judgment and expectation, which makes letting go of external judgement and expectations to accept our full selves more challenging. But when we are able to access moments of self-compassion and kindness in which we talk to ourselves the same way we would talk to a loved one, we can begin to open to self-acceptance. Taking a few moments from each day to ask yourself "What do I need today?" will help create more internal safety and understanding to be more of who we are.

    Creating boundaries not only in our relationships but also in our workspaces helps us gain more autonomy and control to express our true selves. When we protect our energy and free up our time to nourish ourselves, it nourishes the unique parts of our identity and allows us to be more of who we are.

    Finding or creating supportive communities that support our unique humanness is paramount to letting our true selves leak out into the world. It can be difficult to be completely ourselves around people who have a long history with us or people who are pushing traditional expectations onto us. Joining a new group, either virtual or in person, can lead to connecting with similar-minded individuals and rediscovering the truest parts of ourselves that we were afraid to reveal before. Hearing other's stories of collective trauma and deep pain can create an unstoppable forcefield of protection for our humanity.

    At times, it's the opposite of holding onto our true selves that allows us to express who we are. Paradoxically, becoming empty is one of the most essential aspects of being filled with genuine humanness. Clearing our minds of all the clutter, noise and expectations of external pressures - quietly and calmly tuning into our true selves - allows us to find a simpler, truer version of who we are and draw on that to live an authentic life.

    In this journey to be more of the human you are, it's important to remember to be gentle with ourselves as we take baby steps towards our essence. Learning to trust the process and have faith will eventually lead us to our true nature and bring us closer to a fulfilling life. As humans, it's our inherent right to love and be loved and when we accept our whole selves, the world has no choice but to accept us too.

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