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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Reaching True Happiness with One Simple Question

    Happiness is something that many people search for their entire lives. After experiencing sadness, disappointment, heartache, and other difficult emotions, most individuals are desperate to find something that brings them joy. But what exactly is happiness? Moreover, how do we find it? Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to this question, as what makes us happy will vary from person to person. That said, there is one important question that can help you on your quest for true happiness: "Am I doing the work that I want to do?"

    If you stop and think about it for a minute, this simple inquiry can push you in the right direction. After all, it offers a degree of clarity that cannot be attained through anything else. Are you living the life of your dreams? Or have you strayed off course, allowing others to dictate the path you should take? It is undoubtedly a difficult question to answer, as we might feel obligated to stick to what we have inwardly chosen. However, ultimately, it’s down to you whether or not you choose to follow the plan that you’ve set out on.

    Now don’t get us wrong, selecting a career path isn’t easy. What works for the majority might not be suitable for you specifically, therefore it’s essential to take into account the circumstances that you’re presented with. Education, upbringing, and personal preferences will all factor into the decision-making process. Maybe you want to pursue a different job role, but you’re unsure if it will pan out as planned? That’s one of the pitfalls of life — uncertainty. Nevertheless, if you don’t try, you’ll never know what could’ve been.

    Moving away from matters pertaining to your profession, it’s also crucial to evaluate the smaller details of your current situation. What takes up the majority of your time? Do these activities bring contentment or dread? By assessing your daily habits, you can narrow down any areas where it may be beneficial to make amendments. For instance, there’s no harm in giving up watching the news every night if it only depletes your energy levels. Alternatively, switching off Twitter notifications could give you the peace of mind to continue scrolling without any distractions. In other words, if something isn’t satisfying you, it’s probably time to switch it up and focus on winning over your life, as opposed to losing out on valuable time.

    The concept of true happiness doesn’t end there, though. It’s way deeper than some might think; it’s about discovering a state of mind where nothing else matters outside of the moment. To put it simply, it’s time to get rid of the negative mental chatter in your head. The idea of practising mindfulness, to a certain extent, fits within this context. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or even cognitive behavioral therapy, each one of them claims to bring more balance to your mental health. Undoubtedly, this can present a sense of freedom and serenity — two feelings which don’t come around too often nowadays as we’re constantly inundated with countless stresses.

    It’s worth bearing in mind that no single answer is going to solve all of your problems. Instead, numerous aspects of your lifestyle will contribute towards why you’re feeling happy or unhappy. Nevertheless, the importance of posing one vital question cannot be underestimated. Once you ask yourself whether or not you’re doing the work that you want to do, it’ll open up new horizons, allowing you to explore them further in pursuit of greater satisfaction.

    Therefore, if you decide to reflect upon this meaningful question, although you’re likely to face obstacles and difficulties along the path, it’s sure to be worth the effort. As long as you strive to ask yourself ‘am I doing the work that I want to do’ and make the necessary changes accordingly, you’ll experience a sense of luxurious contentment unlike anything else.

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