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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Staying Connected With College Kids: A Parent's Survival Guide

    Maintaining contact with college-age kids can be perplexing for parents who often find themselves in a struggle to stay connected without smothering their children. Even under the best of circumstances, navigating the maze of communication between parents and their children can oftentimes feel like a steep uphill climb. After all, as they venture off into the world, college kids often desire more control over their lives. The good news is, there's hope for parents looking to maintain a healthy, supportive kind of closeness in spite of the independence growing within their child.

    From the day your child first spreads his or her wings, it's important to set parameters that are agreeable for both sides. In order for this concept to achieve success, however, parents should start by considering what type of restrictions may be appropriate; ones that build confidence rather than dependence. To illustrate this principle, think of it this way: if a parent allows no space for autonomy, then the child may begin to believe such things are expected in other relationships as well…which could easily lead to feelings of codependency.

    Another thing to keep in mind is consistency. Simply because college (or any season) brings change doesn't mean what doesn't need to be sacrificed: namely, continuity of parenting style. It's essential that rules adhere over time so kids understand boundaries. This applies to everything from trust and expectations to responsibilities, roles and dreams. Sure it's a tall order, especially since kids grow up– yet the ultimate goal is maintaining the same values across the finish line, even if the methodology shifts a little along the way.

    Speaking of intensity and connectivity, there's no avoiding hot-button topics like social media usage and technology when discussing college life. Parents must be just as mindful here too if they want to maintain cordial relations with their adult-aged children. Although understanding technology can prove somewhat vain with millennial offspring, it's still important to try– at least some. After all, one salient example of snooping gone awry is certain to leave everyone feeling uncomfortable. However, setting limits that evolve while still respecting privacy is key here; anything else skaunts respect between parent and child. Togetherness during these years should be modeled after positive reinforcement techniques instead. Besides, simply keeping an open door policy where social media usage is concerned can be a great way for parents to stay in the know without sacrificing their credibility!

    Above all else though, it's essential that parents never forget the importance of grabbing hold of those truly golden opportunities– you know, the moments in time when check-ins actually become meaningful conversations? If used correctly and appropriately, these are the times when parents can easily move mountains with their child; planting seeds and providing support by listening earnestly and sharing their nonjudgmental understandings. That said, optimism centers around parental enthusiasm too; so don't overlook that as an asset!

    Being a parent of a college kid involves respect, patience, love and trust. Mutual agreement on rules and expectations need to be set ahead of time to allow both parties some wiggle room before life gets too ‘real'. When kids are away at school it's important not to refuse them opportunities to grow but also to remember their boundaries. Learn a bit about their techy stuff by showing an interest– not snooping. Take advantage of those special occasions when deeper conversations happen –moments that count for a lifetime. Most importantly, lay down optimism as well; one that will offer strength every step of the way!

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