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    What Is Cellulite And How To Prevent It

    By Margarita Nahapetyan

    Cellulite is a term that is used to describe the dimpled appearance of the skin when fat cells penetrate abnormally into the middle layer of the skin, causing the appearance of what is commonly referred to as cottage cheese, orange peel or hail damage. The condition is in most cases the result of poor blood circulation or diet, retention of fluids, lack of physical activity or a shift in hormones.

    Cellulite affects 90 per cent of women and 10 per cent of men, mostly between the ages of 25 and 35. It is much more common in women because they are more likely to have particular types of fat and connective tissue. Women are more likely to develop cellulite around knees, saddlebags and buttocks, because they have three layers of fat in these areas, instead of just one. Women also have three levels of fat in the stomach area and in the triceps areas.

    Cellulite is often classified using four grades, ranging from zero to 3. Grade 0 is no visible cellulite. If you pinch your skin and see an orange peel like skin - this would be grade 1. Grade one classification sees no clinical symptoms, but examination of cells from the area under the microscope, detects underlying anatomical changes. Grade 2 is if cellulite is visible on the legs of someone who is standing. Grade 3 is if you see cellulite when you look in the mirror or lie down. This stage is called terminal because it is very hard to treat.

    The causes of cellulite are not well established yet, but there are several hypothesis that are being offered as explanations. Among these are the following:

    • Hormonal factors - hormones are believed to play not a last role in the development of cellulite. The experts suggest that estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin play an important role in the process of cellulite development.

    • Genetics - certain genes are needed for the production of cellulite. Genes may be a factor that will predispose a person to particular characteristics associated with the condition, factors such as gender, race, slow metabolism and distribution of fat just below the skin.

    • Diet - individuals who consume too much products containing fat, carbs, or salt and too little fiber are likely to develop greater amounts of cellulite.

    • Lifestyle factors - cellulite may be more affecting people who smoke, those who do not lead active way of life as well as those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time.

    • Clothing - underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks, liming blood flow, may contribute to the appearance of cellulite.

    There are several therapies that have been suggested to remove cellulite, but none of them have been supported in the scientific research. Therapeutic treatments that can be physical or mechanical include pneumatic massages, massages that stimulate lymphatic flow, heat therapy, ultrasound, radio frequency therapy, magnetic therapy, radial waves therapy, Endermologie, and electrical stimulation. However, there is no solid evidence that these methods proved to work effectively.

    Another cellulite removal method consists of drugs that are supposed to attack and destroy fatty tissues. There is a wide range of pharmacological agents used, such as methylxanthines (caffeine and theobromine), pentoxifylline, beta-agonists and adrenaline, alpha-antagonists, amino acids, ginkgo biloba, rutin, and Indian chestnut among others. Individuals with cellulite have tried to use these agents by administering them topically, taking orally, or by injection, but none of them have yet been scientifically proved effective.

    Cellulite reduction techniques such as liposuction and healthy diet actually do not prevent or remove cellulite. However, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and exercising appear at this point to be the best way inreducing the fat amounts in cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Sticking to healthy, low fat foods such as fruits, vegetables, and fiber can help a person to avoid the condition. The same way exercising on a regular basis, weight control, and reducing stress levels are recommended to prevent cellulite. And finally, wearing thongs, boyshorts, or looser fitting underwear can prevent cellulite that is likely to appear due to tight elastic.

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