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    Hair Extensions Linked To Permanent Baldness

    By Margarita Nahapetyan

    Women who dream of long and thick hair and go through multiple hair extensions face a great risk of completely losing their hair someday, hair experts say.

    The procedure of hair extensions has become extremely popular among women all across the world and can cost as much as 4000 dollars. However, in spite of the fact that last year's study, published in the British Journal of Dermatology, found that ladies who opt for this procedure risk permanent baldness, the demand for hair extension attachments is on the rise like crazy with more and more women wanting beautiful and long hair.

    The procedure of hair extension involves taking small amounts - approximately 20 to 50 strands - of extension hair and administering it to small sections of the natural hair. Extensions are being attached by either heat fusing, weaving in, gluing or using waxes and polymers. In addition, all of the methods involve applying a chemical or a foreign substance on all hair.

    According to hair experts, hair loss from this kind of procedure is relatively common. If the extensions are worn on a regular basis and the tension on the hair is not alleviated, then the extensions could lead to permanent hair loss, leaving a person with balding patches they will have to deal with for the rest of their lives. The experts say that extensions attached too close to the scalp or to very few strands of hair can put such great tension on hair follicles that they can become inflamed, causing hair to fall out. This condition is called traction alopecia.

    David Salinger, the director of the International Association of Trichologists, said that traction alopecia is an irreversible condition and does not respond to any medical treatment. In the beginning, when the hair starts to fall out, a person might not even notice it because the extensions disguise it. But gradually, the reduced thickness of hair will become quite evident, and by that time the damage dome to hair follicles may have become permanent.

    According to Mr. Salinger, hair extensions must only be done by qualified professionals. He says the problem becomes worse because a growing number of hair salons offer to do hair extensions at an affordable for many price. Also, there are cases when some hair stylists perform the procedure when they are not qualified to apply them in a proper way. Mr. Salinger said that even after being well aware of the fact that women with thin or curly hair are not recommended to do hair extensions, the hair-dressers do not bother to refuse them for the same.

    Therefore, the experts strongly recommend to find a good stylist, who uses modern techniques that will not cause much damage to the hair. But the best option overall could be to hold on to what you already got and start being kinder to your hair.

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