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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Dealing with the High Cost of Menopause and Wellness

    The sun sets beneath a deep purple sky as Virginia stands on her front porch, watching the night steal away the day. Clouds tucked in around the mountains indicate a storm will soon come, but she can't help but feel that each night brings an even darker feeling with it. She looks at her body, the body she has known her entire life, and suddenly notices how much it's changed. Thoughts rush to her mind, thoughts of the other things that had changed: new aches, unexpected fatigue, and a sudden longing for something she can't quite explain. Virginia has entered menopause.

    Along with the physical changes, menopause also brings a heavy financial burden to many. In addition to the normal expenses associated with overall health and wellness, menopause requires specific attention and care that many are not prepared for. For example, hormonal therapy, which is often referred to as HT or HRT, is the most common treatment for symptoms associated with menopause. These hormones, commonly called estrogens and progestins, replace those naturally occurring in the body, and while they can be effective at relieving symptoms, they are not without cost. A typical three-month supply of these medications can easily run up to $200 or more, making them an expensive proposition to many who enter menopause.

    In addition to hormone replacement therapy, there are other options available to those in menopause. The most popular is lifestyle modification, which involves lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, and managing stress levels. While this approach doesn't require any extra financial investment, it does require dedication and effort- two things that many menopausal women may not have the energy or time for after already dealing with the physical and emotional changes that accompany menopause.

    There are natural treatments available to menopausal women, such as supplements and herbal remedies. Many have become more popular in recent times and have been touted as effective alternatives to the expensive, prescribed medications. However, there is still much debate surrounding the potential effectiveness of these treatments, as well as their potential risks and side effects. Due to their lack of regulation and oversight, these treatments can be difficult to determine reliable information on and use, leaving many unsure of whether to pursue them or seek out other options.

    It's clear that menopause presents unique and varied financial costs to many woman. With hormone replacement therapy, lifestyle modifications, and natural treatments all to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which path to take when presented with the cost associated with each. For those who are unable to afford the cost of medications or lifestyle modifications, other options may need to be explored. Despite the uncertainty that comes with these decisions, it is important to remember that it is ultimately up to the individual to decide which approach is best for them and their personal situation. With a little patience and research, most should be able to make choices that work for their finances and health. No matter the approach taken, the cost of menopause should never cause additional stress or burden. By researching and understanding the requirements of menopause-related treatment, individuals like Virginia can successfully manage the medical and financial costs that arise.

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