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my ex and I broke up a month and a half ago, we went for two weeks with no contact and eventually started texting again we have hung out once and just watched a movie nothing happened although he did kind of try. My ex boyfriend has tried to hang out with me a few times and texts me almost everyday but I don't think its a good idea to see each other often once in awhile is okay so I keep making excuses. I am on a dating website and asked my ex if he knew this guy named kyle he graded with him I wanted his opinion he said they weren't close friends and he hasn't spoken to him since graduation 5 yrs ago, he asked why I said well he asked me out but I wasn't sure then I find out my ex send him a message on facebook the next day out of the blue and asks how he is etc?? Kyle and I were talking and he asked if I knew anyone from his high school that he graded from I said yes I dated a guy named Jason he said ooooh so that's why Jason messaged me the other day it was so random I haven't talked to him in year.. I was embaressed.... and A few days ago he asked if I wanted to come over and make dinner together i'm assuming his dad will be joining us because they live together in a basement suite ( which I hope isn't awkward) and hang out and play our favorite game. I said yes to this idea and I will go over there in a couple of days I hope he doesn't try anything sexually I would like it if we could be friends, I still have feelings for him but I am trying to move on I hung out with another ex bf from a few years ago the other day and I have a date this weekend with a man. I feel as though my ex even though he claims Does NOT want a relationship or anything serious right now he stated that again the other day is still trying or something I don't get why it's confusing to me..

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It sounds like your ex is hoping to continue having a sexual relationship with you and enjoys having you there to text with every day, but hasn't asked to get back together.


Is this the kind of friendship you want to have with him? If not, I'd take some time apart before trying to be *just friends* with him. If you're hoping to reconcile, giving him the benefits of a relationship -- without the relationship -- isn't a good way to go about it.

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