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Hidradenitis Suppurativa (boils/abcess/sore lumps)

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Hello ENA folk,

i have a family member who suffers from the above condition.

the lack of health care for suffers is cruel. doctors dont know much about it. they fob people off as 'just having a boil,go away it will burst and drain,what do you want me to do?'

just trying to raise awareness as to this condition. for people who have it or know someone who does here are some links.

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link removed illness (go to search conditions on site)


the following is a post from a site......


i went to my doctor she was so cross that i had bought notes from this site with me to my appointment that she looked up her own doctors website to prove my notes wrong. i remembered the doctors website address and now that i am home have sent the following message to the doctors website. any feedback,views from people here would be appreciated. the doctors website is one used by gps in the uk. to be a member you must be a gp. i am not but messages may be left by anyone. if anyone agrees please feel free to copy as you wish, sharing information is the only way to win,


Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Dear Sirs,

people with this condition are too often being met with inferior treatment by GPS/dermatologists.

we have started on line action to litigate against medical staff who refuse to refer people to specialists and also litigate specialists who do not meet the required medical care due to people in need of medical assistance.

any online search of hidradenitis link removed uk/usa will bring results for numerous online sites dedicated towards self help groups.

i feel that we would all prefer proper action/medical care as an alternative to litigation, this is why i am informing yourselves as i believe you may be able to directly inform doctors as to the problem of inadequate/libellous mis-treatment of people with this condition.

medical staff have no reason to mis-diagnose/mis-treat this condition.

yours sincerely,




i hope everyone is well and not suffering in silence if you or a person known to you is affected.

if there is anyone here who knows about this illness comments/advice is greatly appreciated.

most people with the condition are using a combination of turmeric/black pepper/zinc as a major aid in fighting this condition. the sites are all extremely helpfull and packed with good advice.

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I feel distinctly bad for someone who has this. I had a boil under my arm when I was 13 that had to be lanced in the hospital and at one point got so bad I got blood poisoning.For a few years after that I would get them on and off. I have not had one since I was 15 though. My mother got them all the time when she was young. She spent almost the entire time of grade 4 in the hospital on IV antibiotics because they kept reoccurring all over. She got them again after giving birth to my brother. But has not had them since.I know it may not be the same but I have complete sympathy for anyone who has this. I have big scars under and down my one arm from my experience. I am sorry Trezz I wish there was greater advances in medical care for so many things.

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thanks for the replies folks.

hs is treated like a medieval curse.

doctors are barbaric in their mis-treatment and lack of care.

we would like to publicize this condition so if there are any celebs on ENA who want to do so we would love you forever!!!!!!


people have not spoken up about this condition in the past due to social embarrassment.


nowadays people are becoming desperate for medical improvements.


Jeen my computer wont download the file i will try to get a look when on another one, thanks.

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