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Am I wrong to be bored with my friends & want new ones?


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Lately I'm just tired of my current group of friends. They're really the only friends I've had since High School (9th grade). I'm now 21 & although I've made friends outside of this click, I don't really have a group to just hang out with and go to the movies. The reason why I'm bored with my current ones is because they all seem to be stuck in a high school way of thinking, just immaturity & wanting to go to parties and clubbing.Now I'm not saying all high schoolers are like that so I hope I didn't offend anyone.I'm just not feeling the things they do that I used to like to do.I'm also finding myself to be distant from them whenever we're out. I just have nothing to say & I find myself just watching them laughing and having fun. Also they're really smothering me in a way, they always want to hang out like almost everyday and I just want some space.I just don't know exactly how to say no, I have to come up with some bogus lie.


I don't know why I'm feeling like this & I sorta feel wrong for feeling this way but I really want to break away from them for awhile without hurting their feelings. I'm just at a point where I want some change, to meet new people & to try new things. It's really hard for me to make friends though outside of this click & that's the problem. If I do make friends outside of this click, I usually make fake friends who either try to use me,two faced as crap or just plain don't like me.In a way I feel like I'm using my current ones because at the same time, if I lose these friends, I will be alone & I can't face that right now. Then it hardly seems like anyone is interested in getting to know me so I don't know what to do or what I'm feeling.

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Usually there are some friendships that last from high school that my experience and what I have observed from others. When you go to college you usually make new friends and can't believe you ever got by in life without them. I thinks it's totally normal to get bored with your friends from high school.

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I understand what you mean. I'm 22 but the difference with me is I have been through university, made some fantastic friends there, and now am back in my home town with only my old friends from school for company.


I used to be great friends with these people but now I don't find them much fun at all. Unlike your friends they rarely want to meet up and don't seem to want to go out much at all, which can be just as frustrating. I think they class their school friends as being the most important friends they've got though, whereas I don't.


Maybe you could try taking up a new hobby, a sport or something. Even if you don't make fantastic friends from this it is definitely a way of doing something on your own away from this group.

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I was thinking about doing different hobbies to meet new people. My main problem is being home alot & I'm trying to get out of that. Don't get me wrong, my current friends are great people. I just feel like I don't click with them anymore. I feel like an outcast with them now. Plus it's also annoying because our group of friends are extending because some of my old friends made new friends & now all of the new people are in the click. Some of the new people I don't particular care for because of their lifestyle & some rub me off the wrong way too. So now I'm feeling out of place & it's like I don't fit in anymore.

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Maybe you could try taking up a new hobby, a sport or something. Even if you don't make fantastic friends from this it is definitely a way of doing something on your own away from this group.


Yep great suggestion.


It's not wrong to be bored with them and it's alrigh that you feel you don't fit in. You've grown different directions, that's absolutely normal. I think most everyone goes through that. Especially after high school.


I'd get involved in a sport or hobbie, than you have an excuse everytime they call too. It's okay to say no, it's okay to only see them once a week or every two or three weeks.

If you want to do different things & meet different people, start getting out there. Be the person you want to be. Don't allow yourself to feel restricted by your friends.

Take time to yourself & continue to grow & develope yourself. Theres' more out there than the party life. And it's your time for you to experience it.

I wish you happiness

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