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Friends suck!


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I know this doesn't make sense...but I don't want any friends! They use me and abuse me! I am such a nice guy in general...that I let people take advantage of me. I hate it! I'm done with it! I'm 26 years old and I just want to be alone....but

I hate contradicting myself...because I want a girlfriend!

Too be honest, I'm kind of drunk...and I think I just want to have sex!

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Ha ha, very cute post. Yes, I think you are.


But when you feel better, many of us would kindly request that you not generalize about all people's friendship capabilities. We are not all users and abusers.


I happen to be, but I am not the majority of the world.


So choose good friends, and keep your own boundaries, and enjoy life. And drive sober, it saves lives.

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Go and masturbate!


Look, people can be a**holes, it's just the way it is. I leaned a long time ago that it is best to suss people out, even when you think they are your friend, before you confide in them and share any part of yourself.

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If people have walked all over you it is because you have let them. By all means carry on being the nice guy, but that doesn't mean you have to put up with people 'using and abusing' you. You have to respect yourself first before anyone else will. Yes, it is sad that there are people who try to take advantage of others who are just trying to be a good person, but try and stay away from the ingenuine people in your life and you will soon see who your true friends are.

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Hey buddy, haven't seen you on here in a couple of weeks.


Yeah friends can suck, it's true. A lot of people are manipulators, users, liars. But a lot of people aren't. I'm not one of the huge social circles, I can't be bothered with that. Why have a 100 'friends' when not one of them is true to you? I only really have 4 or 5 good friends, who are there for me when I need them. I'm sure you have a couple of decent friends. And I'm sure one of them knows some girl who's easy and can help with your other problem

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