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A Lost Little Girl

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A little girl is

Lost in the world

Trying to find her way.

She wants to be fit in

She wants to be loved.


A lost little girl

Who walks through life alone

begs for acceptance

In this closed-minded world.

She looks and looks

All she sees is deception and lies.

She's ready to give up

And live like how society looks at her.


Suddenly she sees a pair of eyes

A pair of eyes looking for the same thing.

The eyes belong to a girl who is lost all the same

and searching for her place as well.

They know who they are finally.

The missing piece of the puzzle for each of them.

They hold each other

Like frightened children

During a thunderstorm.


They begin their journey

Holdiing hands

Its bright and sunny and warm where they are.

When all of a sudden

Everything grows dark

There's a horrible storm

Sleet and freezing rain.

They cling to each other for dear life

But a force breaks their embrace

And they get separated.

The lost little girl is back where she started

Alone and incomplete.


Until she sees a light at the end of the tunnel.

She knows for a fact

Her missing piece

The girl with the eyes

is in the light.

She journeys over to the light

But gets blown back

Everytime she almost reaches it.


Someday, somehow

The lost little girl will reach the light.

As for the girl with the eyes

She'll wait patiently

For all eternity

If need be.

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