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Some may know my story, some may read my other posts to know it, most probably pass it over because they see 100 others just like it. I like this place because it is a good venue to release me feelings. Today marks 2 weeks since we broke up. She says she has no feelings for the ex and now has closure from the past. However, still wants to take a break over the summer and discuss getting back together later. I still don't understand her reasoning for it. She told me she wants me to date. I thought this would just crush me yet again...


Completely the opposite effect. Last night I went out with a lot of people. Old friends I've put off to pursue a possibly doomed relationship and new friends I just met. Including one new one... I don't know what's there between us.. I'm not sure how to test the waters. My flirting skills need fine tuning. There is, without a doubt, a very powerful attraction. One of those vibes you get from just a presense. I've never felt so alive. Never given off such a dynamic aura. And it's been a long time since I've been able to intangibly sense such a presense in a person. I felt adrenaline again. My mind was focused instead of being in a dull, yet pleasant blur. For the first time, I'm not worried about what will happen between the "ex" and I. I do not know what will happen. My insistent, albeit very pleasant, blur is broken into a million pieces. I still love her, but I've given the fate of us up to a higher power. I do not know what tomorrow will bring anymore. I don't know what the day will bring, or even the hour. I feel the blood coursing through my veins again. I am free.

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