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like me more or just being nice??


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First I just want to say that guyz are just so clueless and gave us mix signals all the time. But then again guyz proably think the same of us females too.. Here is my problem


About 4 and half years ago, my friend who was in my grade was going out with this high school boy. but she never wanted us to know his last name had no idea to this day too. But when we fianlly got to high school we were freshman and he was senior we finally meet him and everything. His name is Jason Well I got my first job at restaruant, i was working there for awhile then they hire new worker..Here it was Jason's Mom. We started to talk and here she does nails on the side and i wanted to get my nails done to never got them done at all. So my mom fianlly said that she can do them. Jason was there and he was just looking at me bc we really didnt get along but we did u know. Well I started to go over there couple of times but never slept over. Couple of months went by Jason was leaving for the Marines for 4 years. at this time i was started to like him but he was still with my friend. The last weekend before he was heading to the marines services he went to his grandma's house but while he was there his girlfriend cheated on him and he said if he didnt he left yet how could he trust her so they broke up. He would come home when he could or visit his grandma. Well his mom got pregrant when he left with this guy who did her desk. Well now i am over there all the time now i was using jason's bedroom as my own. Well one time when he was home Richard, Jason and me stay up really late and was talking but jason was drinking so he was kinda drunk he was playing with my feet with his while richard was there but he didnt notice anything. Well he wanted to show him that web site called link removed. i was like it is link removed i am tired i just wanted to go to bed it was like 3 am i finally fell alseep. well to get to the point so long...


Its now like 4 years later, I am 20 almost 21 Jason is going to be 23. and his little sister is 3 now she is really close with me. I stop going over there for awhile but when i heard jason was home i would go over there to see him. i mean we arent friends we talk kinda when i am there. we dont hang out or anything. the past two times i was there i was there like week at time. He watch tv with me and movies he looks me in the eyes and smiles and everything. This last time i was there i look in his eyes too and smile just the way he looks at me i really am falling in love with him. but the problem is that he is kinda the way i understand it is seeing this girl. but my friend thinks it is her using him for sex. but i think he likes her but i can see him using her for sex too. when i am around him i feel safe. i cant expalin it we joke around i am like with sex and drinking like telling his mom to count how many beers are in the cooler to make sure i dont drink it stuff like that. he even put me up to have me come over bc i dont have my license yet i just have my permit thats other story. i mean does guyz do these things to get girls in bed or they really do have something for us. i dont know want i should do about jason i really do like him but i think if he does like me he is scared that i dont like him also he doesnt like grease the movie i was watching it and he come and was like what is this grease and he stay to watch it and when he left his mom was like why did u make Jason watch Grease i was like i didnt make him watch it he could had went in his room and his mom was like exactly what was that about??? i was shocked when she told me that 1


what do u guyz think if u need more information let me know i want postive answer so let me know


Thanks sorry about spelling and grammer

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