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Stopped birth control, no period???


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I've been on birth control (pills) for a few years and a month or 2 ago they switched my birth control to a different brand, because I said I wanted a shorter period. (My period was usually about 6-7 days.) I stopped taking the pills they switched me to because I was on my period every day for almost 2 weeks. I haven't had my period since I stopped taking the pills. And I can't start taking my pills that they switched me back to until the Sunday after my next period. Is it normal to miss your period after getting off of birth control after having been on it for a while? Or am I just most likely pregant? I've had no signs...I'm going to get a pregnancy test soon, but I'm posting this for now...??



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Actually E, stopping your birth control pills CAN take a while before your cycle gets back to normal. If your pregnancy test is neg, just wait for your period to come back. In the mean time, I would wear condoms to be sure you don't get pregnant (unless thats what you want). Let us know how it goes!

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I'm far from an expert. but there is one thing I DO know. I'm also trying to change my birth control pills. I've been on this brand Levlen for over a year. I had a talk with my doctor about switching to a different brand. She told me at the beginning there might be some breakthough bleeding. So maybe that's what your going through.

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Actually E, stopping your birth control pills CAN take a while before your cycle gets back to normal. If your pregnancy test is neg, just wait for your period to come back. In the mean time, I would wear condoms to be sure you don't get pregnant (unless thats what you want). Let us know how it goes!


Yeah, a couple of years back I went off of birth control and didn't get my period for 4 months. I can't tell you how many pregnancy tests my mother made me take. However, I have a genetic disorder that messes with my hormones and periods, so that could have had something to do with it.

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