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about 2 weeks ago i handed in a cv to a resteraunt.

the next day i got a text off the manager offering me an interview.

i went to it and it went very well. the job i was applying for was another new restraunt opening soon. a couple af days later he asked me to meet him at the place where it is being built to show me around and then he said he'd text me on friday.

which didn't happen.

i would be very grateful if anyone could suggest what i might say to just remind him i still want the job..


i'm hoping that he just forgot since the place hasn't opened yet. feel free to pm me advice. i haven't a clue what to say



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just give him a call and ask him what the status of the job opportunity.


how far along are they with the decision because you need to know so you can decide on other offers.


"Hi, I was calling to let you know that I'm interested in the job opportunity. Can you give let me know what you've decided?"


something like that... definitely call and check up.

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hi, yeah thanks for that very helpfull. it's been along time now and i just want to start working asap. i have a trial for a different job on thurs just in case this doesn't work out. i shouldn't have quit my old job until i was was gaurenteed another..

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