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Is It Toooooo Soon


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Help!! I've been out of my old relationship now since Jan. I've lurked here for quite a bit but have been too nervous to post for myself. I have gone to several sites here and love the forum. I ended up chatting with someone and we've exchanged IM and have chatted a few times. He seems like a really nice guy but I am wondering is it too soon for feelings to come upon someone? I do have trust issues, since I've been burnt, like most of us here, and I AM taking it slow, but there seems to be some chemistry. I'm not sure if this is too soon however. Any comments will be appreciated.


Thanks guys!



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why not meet in person? do they live far away? I am for meeting sooner rather than later. Arrange a meeting in person over coffee (don't go to their place) and meet and be safe. No point in wasting months and months if you two have nothing in common when you meet, or there is no interest.

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