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Dealing with the loss of intimacy is TOUGH!


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Am in same situation myself. Me and wife split up 4 weeks ago. Its killing me but im trying to get some time inorder for her to come round. Every time i see her i look happy and have respect for myself. I go along with what she says inorder to be not confruntational. As soon as i leave (we have 2 boys thats why i go round) im a complete mess. I dropped the kids back Sunday and she had a girlfriend round. I needed to get some paper work but she insited on going upstairs for it. Any how, went round today to get some other stuff and found pack of condoms in bedroom, couldnt help checking but empty rapper in bin. Its killing me. Am due to go round tomorrow and feel like telling her that she owes me x y z to cover mortage and bills ect. But thats my head talking. My heart is still telling me that her head is mess and that it wont of ment anything. The house is a mess when she was always a tidy person. She cant be thinking straight. So whilst its killing me, im still going with my plan. In 6 weeks it will be our 8th wedding anniversary. I will write her a nice letter and see what happens. Whatever the outcome, she as well as me would need to change if i were to move back in.

So my only advice is to think before you speak and go with your heart. If you do that whatever outcome may occur, you will have no regrets.

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yeah feeling like you guys and girls now...


really missing the intimacy and great sex,and im 10 weeks pregnant and so it would be really nice to have that on all levels. it was a case of a friday 4 and a half weeks ago we were in bed together, next day i was out the door, and the sunday he had topless pix up on faceparty looking for a date...he even said that he was 'in a relationship' arrrrgh.... and so when he wasnt online i could only think he was in the arms of another woman so soon after me having great sex and it really is painful. i dont try and torture myself but today i just want him in my bed like we used to. funny how we can push away all the reasons for splitting up when you just WANT them and their touch,smell,caress',noises,climax .....then to think theyre giving all of that most intimate wonderful part of themselves with someone else so soon makes me go cold.


mind i had to laugh when someone said about justin timberlake and his song 'what goes around' ....ive been playing it and yeah sums it up nicely and i only hope the ex looks back and wishes i was still with him.


this is BS this part of it.....

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I think the same way. I can't believe how somebody can go from being in love, or at least being very intimate with somebody, to jumping into bed with someone else. Like I said, my girlfriend of two-years is already sleeping with someone else, and we only broke up officially last week. It makes me sick I can't believe she could disrespect our memory and our relationship so much.


Try to take it as a lesson about that person; turn it into something that helps you move forward.


That said, I refuse to hop into bed with the first girl that comes along. In a way I want to, just for the quick fix. But I know in the longerm that'll just mess my head up even more, I just can't do it. Hopefully I'll find someone decent and actually be able to develop a relationship first.


It's tempting to try to fill the void with a random meaningless body. It sounds like you've reached a wise conclusion that eludes many people.

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