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Having Second Thoughts

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Here it Goes........


I have fallen completely in love with my bestfriend,after he asked me to become his wife. With my committment too him to engages in a more meaningful relationship came a whole bunch of drama with his ex's not too mention it already being really straining because of the distance between us, he is in Houston,tx, and I am stuck waiting for him here in Canada,Vancouver. I have put my life on hold for almost 5 months now, and i am reaching a point where I have had enough of waiting for things to come together. He was suppose to be back her 3.5 months ago, and everytime something came up which stopped him from coming back. And every promise to fly me out there, has never come through again today he was suppose to send my the money for my ticket via western union and again its is not there. He has changed his mind about me coming out there, him coming out here. That I have reached a point in my life where its either **** or get off the pot. Is that selfish of me to be like this. Ultimately he is my friend, and i love him too much to walk away from our friendship, I just think that cause he love me alot the it will really hurt him and may sever our friendship in the process.

Not sure what to do ? Having second thoughts. Too many doubts! when is enough a enough. And how long is too long to wait........



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Seems like you have done whatever you can to see him, but is the money a problem for him, or for you? If if is, then perhaps you are being a bit too selfish, however, 3.5 months is quite a legnth of time time... Perhaps you need to ask why he isn't willing to visit you or visa versa. Seems kind of odd you guys aren't impatiently spending every moment thinking about eachother and above all, living relatively close... Perhaps you should let him go. I mean, you've said several times that he has PROMISED to come visit you, and yet has not followed through. You should probably move on, maybe you are wasting your time... However, you should give him another chance, but only one, because if he cares about you, he WILL come... Good luck and keep us updated!!!!!!!!

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