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I have an extremely jealous boyfriend who digs up the past, questions me when i go out with friends to see if boys were there..and so on. I know 100% that this is wrong, but i know it all stems from his insecurities so i put up with it. Will he always be like this or is there any possible way to make him less jealous? if not i can not be with him anymore. I know i love him with all of my heart and we have been together for a long time, but is it fair to say he doesnt love me as much because of the way he is?

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Chances are that hes not going to change the way he is unless u confront him about it and assure him that what he is doing is pointless. A relationship with little or no trust is not a relationship worth having. All it does is build up problems over time which will prob. explode into a huge argument in which u must comply to his unreasonable terms (and you probably will since u are 'in love') I say talk to him, let him know that there isn't anyting to worry about , if not hes going to be no more than plague on u'r social life. Well this is my 2 cents in the end its all really up to you, and how much u can really put up with.

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Street-Bum has a valid point. The potential problem here really stems from his urge to control you. This could get way out of hand way too fast for you to handle. You say you love him; that's fine. If he says he loves you as well, I doubt it. It's obvious he has been hurt in the past (perhaps rightfully so--let's not discount that) but at some point in time, he either has to let the guard down, or keep it up forever. Hey even pretending that guard is down for a while might do him wonders. Just reassure him you have no intention of hurting him, cheating on him, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned critically violent were he to actually find you cheating. Please becareful with this one...

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