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Stuck, why can't I just do it

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Sometimes I wish I were anorexic. I know that is a horrid thing to say and even worse to feel. I hate myself because I am fat, yet I do nothing about it. I do not take care of how I dress or anything and feel very ugly. My self worth is at least %75 wrapped in my body. I just feel like I want to die. I know that is pathetic, but how I feel. How can something like fat make you feel so worthless?

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Becuase of the fact that there are a lot of people out there who judge others by thier appearance. That's my guess why the fat makes you feel worthless. But you shouldn't feel worthless, no one is worthless. I know this might upset you, but I think you need to make a life change. Start feeling good about who you are inside. Don't worry about conforming to what society thinks women should look like. ( i mean thin and high maintenance) About the change: the first thing I'd do is dress really nice. Take care of yourself. And then, I'd start losing some weight. Not for anyone else. For you. I think that if you thought you looked good, then you would feel good too. Maybe not right away, but it would happen.

It's safe to lose up to 3 or 4 pounds a week. And guess what? you don't even have to exercise your * * * off to lose the lbs. I want you to eat normally for a couple of weeks. but document everything you eat. Count up those calories and add them up. keep track of how many calories you comsume each day. and change what you are eating. Your body needs good balanced nutrition, but it does not need fat. this could take forever to set up here, but I could help if you want. I'm not quilified or anything, but my mom is a Dietitian, and I have learned a whole lot from her. I'll ask her to help too. Take care and give me a PM if you want.

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hey - first, stop beating yourself up. it's ok, most people don't get around and move enough, so you are just like most people. go and get a consult with a personal trainer and a dietician, and talk about what your goals are and work towards a healthier you. it isn't going to be so hard, can just be making some minor changes and adding some exercise everyday. ok, it can definitely be hard and require a lot of work, but I'm sure you can do it. I've found that often "getting back in the swing of things" is the hardest part. then it becomes habit and isn't so difficult anymore.

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I love the kittens think of murder quote. that is the only thing making me laugh right now, so thank you. Well I need to do a makeover, but the thing I keep thinking is I should love myself even heavy, but I don't. That is a sign of depression or sickness to me. I feel like I need to loose fast but that never works.I guess I need to find some sort of center within myself.. but how ya know? That is the hard part, and thanks to you both for responding to me. It made me feel better that someone out there cares.

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Rachelle, I meant thank you for caring as well. AND I DO WANT HELP, it is sooo sweet to offer. I need to loose weight for sanity and health. HELP ME PLEASE, you are very fit and I want to be that way. PS, my name is Rochelle... very uncommon name isn't it?

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Thanks Raingate You are right.. the focus should be health (mental and physical). I live in New Orleans where half the population is chunky, so people don't really make fun, but I do not want to remain this way. Thanks so much for the advice

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Well, I think there are a couple of ways forward. I think it's important for you to work on your self-esteem, and learn to realise that you are a beautiful, gorgeous young woman who is loved by her fiance and is getting married shortly. And that these feelings of insecurity need to be punched on the nose to get out of here! There are a lot of good resources on the internet to help you with this, to realise that it's not all tied up with your weight, that thin/fat ISN'T a measure of who we are as a person.


Secondly, if you want to lose weight, then maybe do it through exercise and something slow and sensible like weight-watchers - they DO love a bride, and maybe that would be motivating for you, to have the support that you need and the time frame. But do it for you, not because you dont' feel worthy, if that makes sense!


Good luck.

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I recommend trying weight watchers if you want to loose weight... EVERYONE i know looses weight on it and you can still eat what you want.

It's not really a diet either.


definitely! weightwatchers is a great plan. teaches you how to eat healthy again.

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