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MY BELIEF's (regarding dating)


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I'm a girl, a girl who really wants a boyfriend. But no one, not even the ickiest guys on the planet, ever ask me. (And I swear I'm not ugly!)


It really bugs me when guys are all scared to ask a girl out because they don't think she likes them. The problem is, you DON'T know until you ask! Sure, she might think you are the scum of the earth and say no, and then laugh about it to her friends behind your back, but big deal, she might say yes! If she says no, there are plenty more fish in the sea, and you might just make some poor girl's (ME!) day.


Now, I might be a hypocrite because I could never ask a guy out, but then again, by tradition, it is SUPPOSED to be the guy's job. You're stuck with it, but we gotta live through childbirth ripping our bodies apart. I think its a fair trade, don't you?


Guys, girls, anyone, post if you agree or disagree! I have the feeling my ideas are a bit warped, but I need someone to prove it to me.

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Hi AnaMaria !


I don't know what part of the world you are in, but single girls don't last long in Dublin !!


Traditionally, girls don't ask guys out, but I hope that as the sexes become more equal, girls will do some more of the advancing - besides - it's attractive for a man to see a woman who is not afraid of going after what she wants !!


Perhaps join some clubs or places where you have an interest or hobby that you could meet new people at - you will be more likely to meet a man through someone you know - so keep active and keep meeting new people


Hope this helps some,



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I used to have the same complaint when I was in high school. Unfortunately, guys are just as intimidated as girls are about initiating dates, especially at that age.


It depends a lot on how approachable you are, what activities make you accessible to guys, as well as the particular guy! Maybe you just haven't met any brazen men who are willing to step forward. So here's my advice: if you really like someone, go for them first. Ask a guy to hang out sometime. Ask him to join you for coffee at a study session. Tell him you're interested in getting to know more about him. Just go for it! I used to be quite timid, but recently I got the courage up to ask out a guy I'd been eyeing. It's really not so hard, and it gets easier the more you do it.


You can wait to be asked out, as well. Taking the traditional route is completely understandable. But remember, if you make the first move, you can take control over your own dating life and get things rolling quicker.



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I firmly believe that the guy should ALWAYS ask the girl out for the first date, but I woul still happily accept if a girl asked me out {assuming of course I liked her} the guy just needs to be faster on the draw than the girl is. dont worry anamarie your views are not warped I wish more girls thought like that LoL.

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