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Very strange behavior on his part!


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Please help me! I have been getting major mixed messages from a guy who I'm pretty sure likes me. He looks for reasons to be near me, thinks of dumb things to say to me to make up reasons to talk to me.He came to my birthday party when I invited him. I can tell he likes being near me and is attracted to me by the way he looks into my eyes. We had gone out with a group of frineds last night and things were ok.We sat together and chit chatted a bit and than time to go home, he said he would walk me and I was like yey! Alone time! We walked about 3 feet and all of a sudden he stops and turns around and sees a guy who lives near him on a motorbike. He waved at him and yelled if he could get a ride and just like that,ran off on me, hopped on the bike and left me. What the hell was that? Why would he do something so rude like that? It was the most unexpected, shocking behavior I have ever experienced. I thought he liked me,did he panic? Other than the obvious answer,he is rude, can anyone,especially shy guys explain what happened here?

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Sounds like he got scared right before and took an opportunity to exit.

His nervousness is his problem. But you can get him to relax by continuing to pursue him in the way you've been doing.


You should do no such thing! Trust your reactions, you were shocked at what happened and you were right to be so. He needs to apologize big time and until he does, ignore him.

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You should do no such thing! Trust your reactions, you were shocked at what happened and you were right to be so. He needs to apologize big time and until he does, ignore him.



I'm sorry - I have to stand by what I said. There is no way to know if this guy is being rude since up until that moment, he had been acting normal.


I was interested in a guy for two years that pulled this stunt (twice!)and then finally asked me on a formal date.

I asked him later why and he said he was deathly shy.


I asked how he could possibly be that shy and he laughed saying even people who are married are shy, so why should he be any different?



Don't assume someone is "guilty" before you can prove it.


You can be the one with strength and guts here - to keep being calm, friendly,flirty and nice until he does something more obvious - like make a move or ask you to hang out alone.


Or you could just ask him yourself.

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if he really was interested, he would not pass up an opportunity to spend alone time with you.


also, do you really want to spend time with someone who has no manners? Would you feel good introducing this guy to your folks/friends?


Move on...this guy sounds LAME!!!


(p.s. He's definitely not gay. Gay men are much more polite!)

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if he really was interested, he would not pass up an opportunity to spend alone time with you.-----------------------------------------------------------------Exactly,it would be a different scenario if you saw this guy out somewhere and he didn't know you.In that situation he would be likely shy/nervous about approaching you[and depending on how shy he was,he might not approach].However ,in this situation ,it was pretty obvious you wanted to spend some time alone with him and yet he bolted.
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