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Hey people,

I've been on here off and on for the past, almost, 4 months.

The girl I fell in love with dumped me over the phone after the relationship went long distance.

It went long distance because I left for a job. The Job was not what was advertised. I hated it. Became very discontent.

Then my love left me. I fell into depression and even quit my job and moved back home. Living with family. Have been living with family for 3 months now.

Depression never seemed to go away. Jobless, broken hearted, no place of my own, it has been so difficult to move on and get going with my life.


Well.........today I have landed a job doing what I do best. Had a great interview last week. Only worry was my driving record but they want to take a chance with me.


I feel great. I'm back! Yes! Yes! Yes!


I know I will get sad some days wondering about "what if" and things like that but today's developments have changed everything for me.


I am refreshed.

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Way to go! I'm happy for you!


Did you guys break up BECAUSE it was long distance or something completely different?


I think LDR had a lot to do with it.

She was always having to play host to me and I think the pressure got to her. The relationship became inconvenient.

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