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Another woman is in love with my boyfriend.

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Okay here is the situation, I have been with my boyfriend for about six months now and there is this other woman that has always been attracted to him. I knew about her when we first got together, but nothing was ever going on between them. She is married and knows about me. At first it didn't bother me because she was keeping her distance from him and never disrespected me. But just about a week ago she contacted him via email and told him that she wanted to come over when I wasn't there, and she made it clear, using my name and everything. I don't know what to do because she still keeps contacting him and he isn't rude with her. She is a very good friend of his parents, so he has to be somewhat nice to her. What should I do???

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Hi there,


I think if he is not encouraging her, you have nothing to worry about. I totally hear how you feel though. My boyfriend is way younger than me, and there is this girl in the crowd that has totally made it clear that she likes him. At first I was put out by that, because she is very young and beautiful. Even I like her. She's a great girl. If I let that emotion get out of hand, it will only eat me up.


He doesn't seem to be interested, and we joke at how she stares to long sometimes (because he's no slouch, pretty cute) and if he did, there is nothing I could do to prevent it anyway, so I just let it go.


If he was trying to make me jealous, that would be a whole different game, but he doesn't. I works my ego a bit even, that this girl is so beautiful, personable and smart.....and he chooses to be with me.


He chooses to be with you. ;-)



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This reminds me of something that happened to me, My ex and this other girl both were friends, but her friend would constantly flirt with me at work, of course when my girlfriend wasnt around.


Why girls do that, i dont know for shure, maybe its a competition thing, but I loved my GF and would never do anything, and never instigated this behaviour in that girl.


Its strange, but its a known fact between men, if you have a girl, women all over flirt with you, when your single, they all but disappear, lol, its not so much that they want me, but they want what my girl has, if you get my drift.

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  • 1 month later...

Stop it NOW!!!! There is no reason for him not to stop this, trust me it goes and snowballs from the friends thing!!!!(read my post did he or didnt he and you will see what I mean) His parents should understand. He needs to make a choice you or her, its early enough for you to get out before the stakes get to high, this just friend thing is a crock she will keep pushing and pushing, trust me it has happened to me! I just wish it had happened when we were 6 months instead of 7 1/2 years and a new home later!!! I thought keep your friends close but your enimes closer but Im not sure I believe that anymore.

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