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Am I at an end??? What can I do?


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Is there anything one can do to get rid of cellulite and tone the rear and thigh area? I do squats and lunges and butt rises on a daily basis but with plans to hit the beach in a few months, I'm scared that I won't look decent enough to wear a bathing suit. It's gotten to the point where I don't even want my boyfriend to see me naked because of what he may think. Are there any other good exercises that can help tone these areas... quick and fast and something that can be done daily? Thanks for any advice.

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I used to be 270 pounds.


I began counting calories on the back of the package of anything I considered eating and drinking.

I also checked with a doctor first and got the correct amount of calories before I started being super-anal about everything.

I also got 5 pound ankle weights and did 20 minutes of different leg lifts before I went to bed. This combination allowed me to lose 100 pounds in about 7 months.

When I got up in the morning I did stretches. Mostly sitting down.


You can still continue your regimented workout - because these lower key excersises are not a grueling chore. They are relaxing.

Also - carry a water bottle around with you EVERYWHERE. Get one with a strap so you can carry it like a purse.


Set all these things up so you can succeed - don't hang yourself if you cheat and eat three cupcakes or decide to go to bed one night instead of doing leg lifts. Just don't let it happen the second day.

Good luck.

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I understand what you're saying. I'm only 105 lbs but I feel enormous and don't like what I see as far as my butt and thighs. I sit down at a desk all day and the way I've been able to stay my weight is by eating all day long.. like grazing. But don't get me wrong -- it's fruit, and yogurt, occasional chips or goldfish crackers and I drink nothing BUT water all day long... but I am wanting to just drop sugar all-together and see if that doesn't make the difference. I think I will do what you said and get some ankle weights. Who knows... I'm willing to try anything at this point. Thank you for your input!

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You are welcome and please realize 105 is thin unless you are only 3 feet tall.

Don't ignore the possibility that you have a distorted view because absolutely everyone has a distorted view of their body. No one is safe from this.

It is something that needs to be managed in order to not obsess.


The toning idea is good - but don't go overboard. Also, ask others what they think and resist immediately ignoring them because you still FEEL unfit.

That may be a mental habit you need to break.

Good luck and your eating habits you mentioned are good - you are doing a good job in many ways. Dropping sugar all together is a bad idea since your body needs it to burn calories.

Talk to a doctor and get facts on paper to refer to. Don't try and do this alone.

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I know that 105 may be thin and petite... but that's not what I'm worried about. I'm freaking out about the cellulite that is forming and I don't like it one bit -- who would?! I used to eat tons of candy, cookies, cake, etc... but I've dropped all that. I'm sure that was a HUGE contributor to the cellulite. So if you have any ways to diminish that... I'm all ears!!!

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Go to the gym and use the adductor, abductor and leg press machines. Use a good weight.


The only way to lose cellulite is to make the muscles beneath the fat firm enough to press the lumpiness out. Also make sure you drink enough water to keep hydrated as not getting enough will make the problem worse.


Do you actually have a problem with cellulite or do you think you have a problem with cellulite? You may feel huge but at 105, you are anything but, by quite a long way...

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