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being opinionated and playing hard to get?do men like that?


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Hi all, When a girl is positive all the time and is always accomodating and tries not to argue in a relationship, does that make a man more attracted to her or less? I have noticed that I am too skeptical about things always having a strong opinion of things and always want to make my case since I think I am smart. I know I can argue a lot but sometimes I am wondering if I should be more accomodating and if I become a big pain in the well you know what. Anyways is a girl that is much more agreeable more attractive than a girl who is opinionated? Also in the beginning of a potential relationship how much time should two people spend together and when a girl is too busy to do much but go out once a week does it make a man want her more or to ditch her? Any opinions would be much appreciated thanks.

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When a girl is positive all the time and is always accomodating and tries not to argue in a relationship, does that make a man more attracted to her or less?


If she is a phoney and is just patronizing, then no, most men would see through this as a lack of honesty. Of course guys like a woman that is easy to get along with, but only if she is Really that way, and not acting the part.


I have noticed that I am too skeptical about things always having a strong opinion of things and always want to make my case


I am attracted to smart women, and like women that see the world and question, but thats me, some other man may be an air head and not give a hoot about anything you have to say.


Now, a person that is constantly finding fault and negative about everything is not very attractive, but there is a difference.


Also in the beginning of a potential relationship how much time should two people spend together and when a girl is too busy to do much but go out once a week does it make a man want her more or to ditch her?


"Should" doesnt exsist, what one person thinks is too much, may be too little for another. If you hook up with a man that likes a lot of contact and reassurance then once a week may be too little, on the other hand, a man , that is very independent and is also very busy, and or very patient, once a week is fine.


does it make a man want her more or to ditch her?


Really depends on his expectations, and what he is looking for and wants.


I would fall into the category of the type of guy in that getting together once a week is great, I have always believed in quality of time not quantity, but someone else may prefer to meet up, and hang out every day, there is no right or wrong here, whats important that you find a guy that shares the same interest in how much time you can or want to share together.

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It depends on the guy, different guys like different kinds of girls. also it depends on your age. If you are 13-15 guys generally want to be around their gfs as much as possible. However as guys get older, they develope more of a life of their own, and thereforeeeee dont spend as much time with their gfs. And as far as getting along, we like to agree with our gfs as much as possible, no matter the age.

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