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I have few questions I would like to ask everyone around:


- Can you confirm that girls prefer guys who don't pay that much attention to them? I am working on this flirt / step back thing to see if it works.


- How should 2 people interact before one of them asks the other out?


- I have this female friend who is very cute and we rarely see eachother, but everytime I see her we have interesting chats and I feel atracted to her, we both met last time in a job interview, and in the end i gave her my email... should I wait to see if she contacts me? I would prefer waiting instead of rushing into her.


- What is the best approach when it comes to wanting to meet people? I mean, I want to look interesting to others, thereforeeee I tend to be funny and interesting and it seems to work, any other tips?



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Its not that they don't pay attention. What your looking for is a slight amount of aloofness. Women have men fawn all over them all the time. But when a man comes up and starts talking to them, treating them normally without having his tongue fall out, that starts the girl thinking that here is someone with some confidence and willpower.


Tricky....there should be interest in one another of course. The best way to find out if there is a chance is suggest, DON'T ASK, that the two of you go out for a meal. In a polite way tell her to give you her number so you can set it up. If she agrees, your in, if she hesitates, more work is needed.


Give it a few days. Then send her an email....not something like "thinking of you" Just a catch-up, whatcha doing type of thing. You can work in the same thing as above with her to see if you can get a date with her.


Mmmmm....say Hi? Don't try to be someone your not. Simply be a more confident YOU. Women aren't attracted to posers for very long. If they are, they soon find out and dump them for someone they can trust.


Simply build up condfidence in yourself, your looks, humor and whatever else you have going for you and the ladies will respond to it.

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- Can you confirm that girls prefer guys who don't pay that much attention to them? I am working on this flirt / step back thing to see if it works.


Nope, not me personally because I'm the chasee whereas I expect him to be the chaser. If he doesn't chase, I don't. So he could miss out if he really does like me. If a guy doesn't pay attention to me then I don't waste time thinking about pursuing him at all. It becomes more equal after the courtship, of course. And of course this is all sensible pursuing not obsessive.


- How should 2 people interact before one of them asks the other out?


In my case? Guy asks girl. No exceptions. Ever. I will smile and flirt, and give him the "green light" so to speak... But if he doesn't run with it (and doesn't run with it soon, it's next for me!) As for the flirting, lots of smiling and eye contact... And I am only really interested in a guy who can interpret that and run with it and ask me out (or for my number) pretty immediately.


- I have this female friend who is very cute and we rarely see eachother, but everytime I see her we have interesting chats and I feel atracted to her, we both met last time in a job interview, and in the end i gave her my email... should I wait to see if she contacts me? I would prefer waiting instead of rushing into her.


It's up to you, but in general there's NOTHING wrong with the man pursuing the woman. That's natural. The other way, while increasingly acceptable, is backwards. So if you want to make the first move, do... But call her or in person don't e-mail. Because e-mails sometimes get lost, and murphy's law the one you send won't get through and then you will think she ignored it. So call/in person is the rule.


- What is the best approach when it comes to wanting to meet people? I mean, I want to look interesting to others, thereforeeee I tend to be funny and interesting and it seems to work, any other tips?


Funny and interesting is always good. Clean and well dressed (not expensively dressed, just tidy dressed) is important. You want to present yourself as attractive not turn people off. Just be yourself. But make sure to be your clean, confident self.

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I dunno about being aloof or girls constantly being chased by guys. I'm not bad-looking, yet I don't get chased on a regular basis! In fact, if a guy is too aloof, I get the feeling he's not interested and drop out. I like attention from someone I am interested in (and I give a lot of attention back!), so if I am feeling ignored or like he is too "cool" I move on and stop pursueing.


In my mind, it means he is either uninterested or playing games, neither of which causes interest from myself.


Different girls react differently to different things though. That's why men can never figure out women! In the end, its best to get yourself out there, take some small risks and most of all, act like yourself!

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I- How should 2 people interact before one of them asks the other out?....



I would show my interest as soon as possible. When you get her number/email make sure you ask her out for something light- coffee for instance and just engage in some stimulating conversation so that you get to know her better. This will help you to weed out the incompatible ones early on.

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