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Something I thought about after I watched the ending of a drama series.


Do you agree that we should be sincere and true towards our feelings?

i.e. We should tell someone we love them when we are in love. We should tell someone we don't love them when the feelings are lost.


In the drama series, a lady still had feelings for her ex-husband who recently remarried. Her ex husband suddenly realised that he still love her ex wife. So he divorced his current wife and remarried his ex wife.


My question is:

Should a married man who already lost feelings in the marriage to face up to his feelings to seek the love of his life?


Should a girl face up to her feelings and confess her feeling to a married man?


What would society percieve such couples?


Thank you.

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i don't know what society perceives, i do know what i think.


i think honesty is the best policy (real shame this forum doesnt have an icon for a block of cheese, i think it would be very appropriate).


you should always be 100% honest with your partner and more importantly with yourself, being dishonest with either will ALLWAYS have repercussions.

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I think a person who did such things has thought little of his committment when he married. When you committ, you should expec tthat there will be times when you do not want to be with the other person, when you do not even like the other person, when you can not stand the sight of them, and even then you need to love them, to do what is in there best interest. Love in this manner, committ to loving in this manner, refuse to marry until your spouse will also be so committed, and you will develop strong bonds between you as a couple, and you won't face this kind of dilemma.


And sometimes, you need to bite your tongue. Telling how you feel is not always doing what is in there best interests, it's you getting crap off your chest. Can you imagine telling a person everytime they did not so hot that they did not? It would not be a nice relationship.

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when i say be 100% honest i talk about things that are important. though my perspective on life is to be honest about everything, if a girl asks me if the dress she is wearing makes her look fat and i think it does i will let her (yea, i know, i am glutton for punshiment). this comes from me wanting and expecting my partner to allways be open and honest with me, even if its something i dont want to hear.


i want someone to share my life with, for better or worse. i would much rather my partner tell me if there is something negative they see, as long as you have a good and healthy communication system with your partner there shouldnt be anything off limits.

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You've got to look at your environment and react in a realistic, selfless manner. After all we don't each exist in our own worlds. Some feelings are best kept to ourselves. What good would you achieve by telling a married man that yu had feelings for him? If he did share those feelings and decided to act on them then that would only break up his family. More people will get hurt out of it. You have to consider the implications before you pour out your feelings.

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