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Why am I not happy?

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OK. Why does it seem like im only happy when im with someone?

I feel stupid and needy.

Yeah okay bye.


I'm the same way too. I feel as if I need a woman to make me happy when people have been telling me that I shouldn't need someone to make me happy

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I'm a girl and I know how you feel.


Whenever I like a guy or get into a relationship with someone, I always end up getting the short end of the stick or end up getting hurt.



i guess thats pretty much life right?

because it seems like every person out there in the world goes through this problem.

it sucks doesnt it?

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Well God paired up Adam and Eve didn't he? Even Cain was wed. I feel like we're supposed to be paired up, and being alone is unnatural. I've prayed that the man I'm meant to marry appears to me because I know I married two men I wasn't supposed to marry. My mom says we are complete beings and don't need another, of course she's connected with a guy right after my dad died and has been alone only for brief periods. So she's one to talk. Don't know what to tell you other than pray to meet that person you are meant to be paired with.

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I agree live as much as your life as you can when you are younger so that you can have a sense of confidence and character when your older and its time to deal with love or heartache ....


It will happen for you one day i promise, when i was 16 it felt like i was the king of my town, we had one hang out spot and everyone knew everyone and everyone dated around ...and it continued on like that forever it felt like...nothing ever being that serious but it was young love ....


It wasnt until i was 18 that i had my first heartache and lemme tell you that was something i hope no one experiences (she cheated) ....but i moved on somehow and had about 5 more relationships after...to my current state where yet again i found out that some people arent who you think they are ...a beautiful girl with many problems and an ex that plays with her head ...fed me some bs, began to start a relationship with me and than walked away ...


It never gets any easier, you just have to be smart enough to see whats in front of you, good or bad and decide if its for you or not ...dont ever let anyone tell you , you cant do something in yout life ....

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When i have a guy in my life who knows they feel the same way about me thats when my confident person and yes it does make me feel really happy. But when i'm alone i feel low and ugly. It's not good to be this way be need to feel happy being on our own instead of depending on people.

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