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How in love are you!!??

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Yeah! He's the exact same! just so you know that he hasn't comepletely forgotten you.


Thankyou, eva


And Celeste.. yeah.. I think that about my relationship too.. two really unique people.. and two that MATCH is so hard to find, and once you find it, you can never let it go, 'cause you'll never find anyone like him again. Just goes to show how matches like yours and mine are few and far between. I mean, You're in the USA I'm in Scotland.. lol

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two that MATCH is so hard to find, and once you find it, you can never let it go, 'cause you'll never find anyone like him again.



I know exactly what you mean...

Macca and I fit together so well, we are similar enough to understand eachother but different enough to balance eachother out.


eep, we are so lucky

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I mean, You're in the USA I'm in Scotland.. lol


Yeah Eliza and you know where my guy is from? Romania! So he and I are two people who found one another, by chance, going to the same university here in the US. And by chance, my first semester at the uni was his last, and we had just so happen to be in the same class. The statistical chances, when we were both born, that we'd ever cross paths even is so remote.


And now here we are


So life is strange and mysertious. But the fact that he's European really helps out because I've been really into Europe since I went there my first time (I even lived there last summer... in Austria!). Plus, the fact that his parents and family are in Romania, it provides for some travel opportunities, and we're both huge travelers.

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awww... I love it when people's in love! ITS SO CUTE!~ Makes me go 'awwwww' and I want to hug my bf too for some reason everytime I witness moments like that. Isnt it a great feeling to have someone care for you so much...eeee... Life is so beautiful when you're with that one person you're so in love with...!

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CONGRATULATIONS ELIZA! that's so exciting! Wow! I want to get married, but I know we're not ready yet, but he is worth waiting for. Plus, I'm still young yet, and so is he. We just had our first anniversary. Question, have you ever noticed that people seem to know when people are a good match? It seems like a lot of older, married couples think we are married already and are super nice to us, not just them, but salespeople, etc... It's hard to explain, but some people just seem to assume, which is a really nice feeling.

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