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When does Labor actually start?


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i've never heard of someone feeling guilty about getting an epidural! Why on earth would they?


We have always told moms that whether you have an epidural or not, you still go home with a baby.


But what is important to each mom is their own individual birth plan- and some women are determined to go natural.. it's important to them, and then if it doesn't quite go that way, they may feel as though they let themselves down.


But in the end, they all go home with a baby.

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Some women feel that getting an epidural somehow makes them "less of a woman." They feel let down that they did not follow their original birth plan to go natural.


They way I see it personally, I would never imagine having a tooth pulled without being numb, so pain managment for birth would be no different for me.


Then again, I'm having an elective c-section and there seems to be a lot of ridicule that goes with that too- that somehow I'd be "less of a woman" for going that route.


I think women and their partners have to do what feels "right" and best for them for a birth plan, and try to ignore all the rest...and also try not to judge other couples who might opt for a different birth plan then the one they chose.


We have always told moms that whether you have an epidural or not, you still go home with a baby.



Good point.



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The more I think about a c-section, the more I think it sounds reasonable because the baby doesn't go through the trauma of being squeezed through the birth canal. At the same time, I wonder what happens with mom's consciousness - is she able to hear baby's first cry? I want to hear that or at least have my partner record it for me. That will be such a wonderful gift to hear her cry - I hope it's loud and wonderful!!! I've heard a good loud cry indicates strong lungs!!!

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In most cases, the mother has an epidural or spinal. Very rarely is a c-section done under general anesthesia. The mom is awake. I've been watching a lot of videos of c-sections (some that dads recorded with the curtian blocking)- and others which are more gory and are detailed medical videos). In all the videos I've seen the parents heard the baby's first cry- but usually the dad is the first to hold the baby because the mom is being stitched back up.


With a c-section- they have to suction the baby right away because since there's not pushing like there is in vaginal birth, the fluid does not get pushed out of the baby's lungs. Vaginal birth is beneficial for the baby for that reason. But that aspect of a c-section (the need to suction the baby right away) is not much different than if a woman has a vaginal birth and meconium is present- then they must suction the baby right away in that case too.


If the baby is fine the mom can hold him/her in the recovery room after the c-section.



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I have had three C-sections. I was awake the whole time but couldnt feel any pain. The pain afterwords wasnt that bad either because they gave me major pain pills.


One great thing about it though, my 'bits' have not been stretched. They look like I've never had a child and I have three.

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It's major surgery. But for me the benefits outweigh the costs.


I think each woman's birth plan needs to be well thought out with the woman, her doctor/midwife, and her partner (if he's involved).


Some women would do anything to avoid a c-section whereas others want it as their only option.


As long as you're confident in your birth plan and have researched it thoroughly, that's all that matters.


I think it's important that a woman be given choices when it comes to a birth plan.



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