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Gonna Im Ex>>shall I?

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split up with the ex bout 2 months ago now.....maybe spoke 5 times during that...last was bout 4weeks ago.....i feel im gonna IM her just to chat normally and see if i can cope...is this a good idea and how could i start the convo?


i was thinking:



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Hi Rusloi,


No it's not a good idea. How are you going to feel when she says 'Hi' and has a brief chat, then says she's gotta go because she's got better things to do? You've had a five minute chat and will feel rubbish all evening (and tomorrow) probably. And for what?


Sorry, didn't mean to sound harsh!! I'm just not sure what you're going to find out by IM-ing your ex, apart from putting pressure on the wound. God knows I understand the temptation, but ask yourself why you want to get in touch? Are you hoping for a fantastic chat and maybe to get back together? If it were me, a brief chat without any warmth would hurt me so much, which is why I'm saying to you to go and do something else instead!


Sorry, dont' mean to sound negative.

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If you're hoping to use this method to get her back, it won't work. It fails 100% of the time when guys in your situation try it. All that would happen is you'd be stringing yourself along, trying to read into every little thing she does, till the eventual day when she drops you for good (usually for another guy).

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Yeah kinda agree... she would have contacted you by now.


hmm.... I ain't one to talk but generally my gut feelings have been right for me and my bouts of contacting her have generally got a reply followed by her calling ... and thus the cycle of creating my own insane world continues



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