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I hate feeling confused...

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These past few weeks have been so confusing for me . I think you guys know how it all starts... there's this girl. Over the last six months her and I have developed a good friendship. She's amazing and we share such common interests, but at the same time manage to surprise each other with our subtle quirks and such. Her and one of my good friends dated over the summer, but she dumped him about a moth ago. While they were dating her and I could talk about things that she couldn't tell anyone else. We had a good friendship that I was happy with (even though when I first met her I had a crush on her). Anyways, when they broke up I started seeing her in a different light again, and I gradually started to fall for her. I was shocked to learn a few days ago that she has feelings for me too. SHe doesn't know that I know how she feels, but I very much want something to happen between us. But know that I know she likes me I act differently around her and it seems more awkward. WHAT SHOULD I DO? Tell her how I feel? Even though she dated a friend of mine fairly recently, I want to be with her. In my opinion, its his fault (he didnt care much for her); still though, it would make things awkward between me and my friend for awhile. Advice people, please.

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I think if you really love this girl, and you know she likes you too, just go for it. If your friend is truly your friend, he wont mind. Otherwise he shouldnt be someone you want to be friends with. I think the only thing you may have to worry about is your friendship with the girl. Would you risk your friendship with her for something that might not last. I cannot help you there. Weigh your options friendship v.s. b/f g/f. Decide which you like more, then act upon it. best of wishes, i hope you get what you want. 8)

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I know I could ruin a my friendship with her, which would be the worst case scenario. But I know if I don't tell her how I feel I'll never know true happines... and when she moves on to other guys, I'll still be stuck on the most amazing girl to have ever walked the earth. So please people, take a minute of you're time to give me advice... I'll go with the response that seems ratinal and that people agree with.


P.S. Thanx Dreng 3333

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So you like her, you know she likes you and your feeling awckward around her?


Why? - It's obviously meant to be!.


Just ask her out on a date and make the best of it. As I've said to other people here if you leave it too long that magic spark will simply extinguish itself. Go get her!

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We'll I'm in a relationship with this girl now and I would like to thank all of you guys who helped me to make the right decisions. To some people they may have seemed obvious, but you guys were still a help. There was only one bad thing... I was so nervous when we first kissed that I ***ed up. It wasn't very memorable... It's because I was thinking aboust so much (just after telling her how I felt) that I couldn't let it flow naturally. Do you think this is a big deal?


Thanks again.

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Well aren't you the lucky one.


At least you've got what you want.


My luck with a woman I liked has just completely run right out.


I've given up on women now. I can't be bothered to be hurt by anymore of them at all. They want to treat me like shit then let them try but they won't even get near me to do it.


I know I'm quite ugly but since when did that matter to the girls who went with my friends who look even worse?. As soon as girls realise I like them they treat me like scum.


Fine, if thats the way you all want it then goodbye.



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