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I am feeling GREAT!!!!!

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I would just like to say Thank You to so many people on here for giving there opinions and advice.


I will say that I am really over my Ex now. I come to realize that our relationship was over a long time ago and I just couldn't accept it. I am truly surprised at how good I feel about myself and my future now. Because 4-5 days ago I was truly down in the dumps.


Talking to other girls and seeing that other people are interested in you really helps, I spent 7 hours talking to a girl yesterday. And we enjoyed our conversation, laughed and had a great time.


I realized that after I left my wife that I went to this girl and she was the first one to make me feel like a somebody. I didn't give myself anytime to enjoy being single. I am ready to enjoy that time now, Have fun, Enjoy my kids, Not worry about what the Ex is doing.


Yes I'm sure there will be times that I miss her, but she can be replaced, those feelings for someone else will come again in time.


I know alot of you are feeling so down right now, I know you are thinking that your Ex is the True Love of your life. She may very well be. But right now no matter what you try to do. You won't find out.


As of right now my Ex could call me and tell me she made a mistake and she wants to be with me and I would not do it. I would rather be alone and continue to make myself stronger.


Thanks Everyone.


Keep those heads up!!

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Thanks Doyathink-Its another day and I am still feeling great and enjoying myself. It really feels like I was never with this girl. She is still trying to play games and having her new man email me telling me she never felt anything for me and she used me, and I just smile and be an adult.

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