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The Comic Shop Guy

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I've thought the guy from the comic shop is cute for ages, and recently found out he's single (well apparently recently from last May). I've known him for about 19 years (and he knows my dad & remembers me in my grade school uniform).

Everytime I go in, I get all nervous talking to him, and run to the back of the shop, but lately we've started talking quite abit. He initiated adding me on some friendy-network thing & we email each other (thanks to my trip - he's happily dishing out advice)


Friends of course (being friends) gave me an ultimatum to ask him out within a week, which I refuse to do.


But actually I don't even know how to ask him out for coffee on the pretext that I want to get more info for my trip.


Help! He's single, I'm single. But if I do anything weird I'd be too embarrassed to ever go back to the shop (19 years man - 19 years, I can't change comic shops now )

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he gave you an ultimatum? or you set one for yourself? 19 years, i'm sure this guy has thought of asking you out, but on the fact of him knowing your family, maybe he has been holding back. go for it.



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don't wait too long. i mean, when 20 years rolls around, what is your timeframe? lol don't let the opportunity pass. i mean, he is your comic guy and has known you forever. even if you strike out don't be embarrassed. he will know you like him and will get a lot of discounts after anyway with him knowing that.



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he's 10 years older, the age thing isn't a problem.


Oh no - friends are the ones who set an ultimatum. Gosh if he set it I'd jump at the chance! LOL.


And yes, I figured if another 20 years roll past, I might eventually get that coffee with him.


I though I'd go to the shop since I said I'd pop by to ask him more things about my trip since he's pretty eager with the recommendations. And he says i met him at a club once ages ago (I can't remember and was only cringing and hoping I wasn't doing anything too weird. ignorance. pure bliss!)


btw - i have recently got discounts, and he's knows exactly what I like (with the recommendations), but maybe he's just like that to regulars (I mean my dad was getting discounts and I never got any! What's up with that? LOL)


I jnst have absolutely no idea how to ask him out though

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wow, he remembers meeting you long ago in a clu? he likes you. anyways, to ask him out, do this:


go in to buy something that you usually buy. get it in the bag, sleeve protector, whatever you get the comics in and start to walk out. look at the receipt or something then look back at him casually and just say, "hey, i'm going out with some friends to (wherever), do you maybe want to go with us?" or "hey, i'm going (name of shop) to get some coffee, do you want to stop by and chat a bit when you get off?" if he says no, that's cool. say "well, maybe next time". he might just be like "sure" or "yeah". he might say he is busy, but that's cool too. you never know someone else's schedule, after work to-dos. just ask casually. it's innocent and simple.



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i think i did something along those lines ages ago, and he just conveniently forgot about it.

(same with me agreeing to be 1 of the people to share a cabin to go on the trans-siberian railway, which was pretty sucky)


but yes! I might do the casual thing (and use the trip that he's so happy to recommend things about as an excuse!) *fingers crossed* it's all in the head, don't know if i'll actually do it though, like i said - it'd be horribly uncomfortable if i did something like that and he said "no"

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Ha. Thanks.


I happened to have 5 minutes to run in on Saturday. He was talking to a couple of people & didn't say hi- but he eventually turned around and said "oh, this is the girl I was telling you about who's going to Cambodia!" (*whoo hooo* - he told someone about moi? Joy I'm getting ditzy ](*,) Kidding.)


When they left, he started talking to me & I cut him off and said I had to run back to work & he said to write and I mumbled something while running out the door. Good move?

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why don't you quit waiting on him and just ask? i'm still waiting here for you to do it. don't be a chicken.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Sorry for not telling you guys the outcome!


The trip to Cambodia was brilliant. And I just chatted with the comic shop guy about Cambodia and places to stay, food to eat, and when I did get back, about if I'd tried out the recommendations.


I didn't loose interest, but I guess some people just have that spot in your life, and that's the 'spot' they should stay at

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