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How common is it to just like ONE girl?

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Really important question: How common is it for girls to like JUST ONE girl and no others. To feel repulsed at the idea of other girls touching her but having strong feelings for one particular girl.


For it to feel different with that girl, like it's not a lesbian relationship, like it's just 'right' and whilst everyone else outside the relationship would see just two lesbians together, it doesn't feel like that to the girl in the relationship. It just feels normal.


(i.e not being lesbian and not being bisexual. Fancying lads but also ONE girl on the whole planet and not finding any other women remotely attractive.)


So is this normal? To not fancy any other girls AT ALL or even think mmm she's nice. But to fancy this one girl, but not really feel like you're fancying a girl.


How many people have experienced this? Is this common?


Thankyou to anyone who gives their opinion.

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The wanting only one girl and not even considering others thing... Ya, I've experienced that before. Love maybe? Infatuation? I'm not sure.


OK, I'm a hetero guy, but I don't think that disqualifies me from understanding you. I relate to what you're saying about wanting only one person. I've experienced that before.


However, to be honest, I usually observe more than one person to be attractive at the same time. That's normal for me. Yet, the getting totally focused on one person thing does happen sometimes.


Right now I've got my favorite brunette, my favorite redhead, and my favorite blonde. However, that's just attraction, not action. I'm not dating any of them. I did ask out the brunette, but that didn't work out 'cause she's not available, as I posted. I haven't yet tried either of the others yet. I think it's typically NOT a good idea to get to into a person until after you know they return it. Getting to attached to someone to soon is a recipe for getting hurt.

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No it is sexual. The full story is, my and my 'girlfriend' actually talked about 'us' the other night and I don't understand how I like her ( I like her to touch me, kiss me, make out etc.) but I'm repulsed by the idea of ANY OTHER girl doing anything to me.


I've never heard of this before. I'm not lesbian and I'm not bisexual. But I want a physical relationship with a girl who I'm in love with.


Is this common? Am I abnormal?

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I've experienced this, too. I've actually had relationships with women, but only one at a time (i.e, only being attracted to one girl at a time, period, not even having any thoughts about any woman other than her at all, not like when I date guys and I can 'see' what someone means when they say 'he's cute').

I simply made my peace with this, and stopped trying to understand it. I started defining myself as something like 90/10 straight. I have been dating for 10 years and been attracted to 3 women.

It happens.... that's all I can tell you.

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When I was 18, the idea of being with a woman sexually seriously grossed me out. My friend had a crush on me, and I told her I didn't think I could ever be with a woman, but I found myself attracted to her.


I thought "well, I'm not bisexual, 'cause it's not like I'm typically attracted to women - just this ONE girl."


Sounding familiar?


Fast forward five years and several girl and boy crushes later, and I'm a self-declared bisexual with a strong preference for women, and very happy with it.


So I wouldn't rule anything out just yet if I was you. And 100% straight is obviously not a good description of you if you have sexual feelings for this girl. Maybe you're 95% straight.

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Is this common? Am I abnormal?
It sounds like you want to be certified by percentage how bi you might be You're just like my boyfriend, he says he's a Sean-a-sexual--that I'm the only guy he's ever been attracted to. Don't worry about it. I don't mean to sound insensitive but you can't turn who you feel for into an math problem.


PS--I'd say it's not really rare, but from what I've seen in my schools GSA group, people like you and my boyfriend either freak out far more, or freak out far less. Far less middle ground! Maybe because it takes you more by surprise but is also easier to write off?

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