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Where have all the flowers gone?

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By flowers, I mean the good, fun, caring, intelligent, great people out there.


After the end of the abusive relationship from hell, I started to come alive. I began to look for friends again, I began to have a desire to connect with others and to have a good time. (And by good time, I don't mean just drinking and puking at clubs but actually enjoying each others' company).


So....I met a bunch of losers at this company I used to work for. Everyone there seemed to have a drug habit, was only interested in females for sex, had porn habits, drinking, gambling...you name it. I didn't fit in there, I have never been around people so creepy and scary in my life. One minute they could smile at your face and the next minute, they would be talking crap about you behind your back. I don't miss anyone there.


Now I work at this new company, everyone's nice but.....there also like 50+ years old with kids my age. The few young people I've met seem immature, shallow, mean or just lie to my face! I hate being around liars.


So I find myself...alone. On my own. I'm not really unhappy or anything. In fact, these have been the best years of my life since I got away from abuser. I think life is improving.


But I just wonder where all the great people are? And if I will ever have any real friends who mean something to me and who I think are valuable and worthwhile and would enjoy spending time with.


Elementary - I was bullied by a bunch of white, black people, so forget that. Junior High, High school - I was pretty much a loner. I was so down on myself and unhappy in that narrow little world. I still don't like anyone from high school. College - Abusive relationship, stole my soul away from nearly a decade.


So here I am, healthier, happier, wholer.....still searching. But it's not like I even see anyone who I would like to be friends with.

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The happy me was swallowed up by the huge hole in the Ozone layer, beaten to death by a C average president, and blinded by t-shirts that have "Who Needs Brains When I Have These" written accross the breasts.


Joking, of course.


If your looking for friends, join a club. A lot of people who have similar interests all gathered in one place. You should find some people to hang out with.

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If your looking for friends, join a club. A lot of people who have similar interests all gathered in one place. You should find some people to hang out with.


Clubs are a good start--the ones where people have common interests- knitting, sewing, jewelry making etc. Churchs/synagogues may also be opportunities; or taking a class at a community college (where there are students of all different ages).

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