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I'm 46 and have wanted braces all my life but put it off for financial reasons. Finally I had to have a baby tooth pulled and have an impacted permanent tooth that they are going to try and pull down. The process started with putting in spacers for a couple of weeks, then the back bands and a quad helix that sits near the roof of my mouth (have had for 2 months now), got the bottom braces about six weeks ago and the top braces 1 week ago. Basically my mouth hasn't felt good for about 3 months now. I have lost weight because I can only eat soft foods and give up about half way through most meals because it is too much of a chore. I am feeling very discouraged and can't imagine dealing with this for 2 1/2 years. Please, someone, tell that it does get better.

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As far as I'm concerned, your mouth shouldn't be hurting for long periods of time.


Someone correct me?


Cut your food into small pieces, and take it slowly. Don't be discouraged. I feel greatly for people who suffer with braces so if you need to talk or need advice, dont hesitate to PM me.

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oh, god, i had to have the same thing done. pull the baby tooth and get the other down. It hurts like HELL for a while, but once your teeth get used to the pressure, it gets much better. How often do you have to have them adjusted--every couple months? Well, after they tighten them, they'll hurt for about a week. Then the pain subsides and you shouldn't really feel anything until you get them tightened again.


The spacers hurt sooo bad, I know... it does get better

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I recall feeling very uncomfortable when I had my braces. It did get better with time. The braces put a lot of pressure on your teeth and gums.


I found that cold drinks and compresses really made me feel better. I would drink cold ice water a lot when I had braces- for some reason it helped.


You might also want to try a mild over the counter pain medicine and a topical anesthetic gel.


Try to avoid foods that make you chew too much or too hard like the hard crusts of bread or very gamey meats.



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I get them tightened monthly and the last go around they cross wired 4 teeth on the front bottom to put added pressure. Right now my bite is so off that none of my teeth fit together, which makes it very difficult to chew. I can't bite into anything. I have another 3 to 5 months to go before the quad helix will come out, that will be a relief.

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