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I am having a bit of an emotional meltdown today

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I don't know what is wrong with me today. I feel like curling up into a ball and crying my heart out. I feel like my life has no meaning, nothing. I feel trapped in a cycle that I can't get out. I know I sound like I am whining about life and I probably am. The weather is great outside. Sunny, etc. I need to do laundry and a buncha other things. I probably wont. I am so lonely right now but I shouldnt be. I want to talk to someone but I dont like calling people and bothering them. I probably overdrew my bank account for the 10th time this last year and half and will have to deal with that. Ugh!


I am shaking and very nervous again. I dont know what I want. I dont like to be like a wet mop and a Debbie Downer. I can't be like this always. I probably will go out later.


I dont want to feel all alone. I always do.


I dont know what I am looking for either.

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Awwwww RW, (HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS))))))))))))


You know it IS ok to feel down. No need to apologize. Just be down.

Whether the sun is shining or not....it's ok to not want to do anything.


One thing I do when I'm down is jump on the treadmill (if I have time)

and I really work up a sweat. If I'm EXTREMELY edgy I run on an incline...

and that makes me work harder. It is very effective for me. Sometimes

I'll jump on my bike and ride for hours.....RW why don't you look into

doing something that requires physical activity? Like dance classes or the gym? I REALLY think you'll enjoy it once you start......and it's a natural way

to just feel better.


Seriously.....take a brisk walk...and see if it makes a difference.

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I am signed up to do water aerobics on Wed evenings after my clinicals.


Right now I am just stressed out and worried and want to call a friend to chat. I want to see my friend and hang out but I dont want to bother them. People work and have stuff to do.


I am just going through some weird things. I may go for a drive again, most likely up to my parents. I am not sure.


I am one of those people that HATE bothering other people when I am stressed out and lonely.

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I'll be fine. I am just having doubts about school and things and sometimes wonder if I should just give that all up and go find a full time job. At least then I would have some money and not be constantly overdrawing on things and creating havoc in my life, as my parents love to point out to me.


BTW, my parents were not really happy about me wanting to go back to school to be a teacher and give up my career as a tech writer.

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I noticed that a walk really does wonders for me mentally and emotionally. It's like a natural anti-depressant or something. When I miss it (because of weather or lack of time) I always notice a difference (negative change) in my mood. That's wonderful that you're taking a water aerobics class. I did that once and it's really great exercise--without the impact on the joints.

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