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Had some sad news 2day, someone I work closely with has just been diagnosed with cancer(brain tumour) something like that has just made me think how lucky I am, I know im down about having a broken heart but it could be so much worse..at least I have my health..


Sometimes it takes something like this to make u realise how lucky u r sometimes, at least a broken heart can be fixed even if it doesn't feel like It sometimes…


Life is too short to be moping over a lost love..life is for living!

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i totally agree with the statement that life is worth living (my grand parents also had cancer....they passed on a while back) and i believe that everyone should take the time they have to fulfill any desires, hopes or dreams in the time given.


im exactly like you in one retrospect it takes a big deal for me to actually be kicked back in reality, it seems that the small things or even love seems a great deal until something dramatic happens and then you think to yourself how stupid you were over worrying about something so minor.


i hope your work mate lives there life to the max...and good luck for the future (both of you) make sure you enjoy it





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Yes, well it does kind of make you realise what you have, but at the same time don't think that the pain that are going through is any less or more than anyone else's problem.


We all feel pain in a different way and deal with them in different ways. I worked on a cancer ward recently and I think the patients who knew I had split up from my bf felt they were able to help and support me with my pain..They also understood that the pain of break ups was similar to the pain of cancer but obviously with different outcomes. But not once did they tell me that I was silly in how I felt because they only had weeks to live or whatever...They knew it was a part of life..


How we deal with pain and loss is what makes us unique, and if you want to cry and kick and scream because someone has left you then go ahead if that makes you feel better. In the end we all should look around us and see what else in life there is

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i understand what u mean, it still hurts a hell of alot to lose someone u love, but just trying to make sense of life really...


u just have to relise there is always someone worse off than u..sometimes these things help u understand what u have going for you..it doesn't take the pain away though..


im fighting the feelings of loss every day..


take care

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You will get there street...I see a lot of pain and death and sadness in my job but I also see a lot of joy and happiness..Yes there are people worse off than you in the world and it often makes you realise what you have...


You sound like a good person who will come out of this strong.

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I agree with Sabena as well. While some may view the pain of losing a loved one as more painful than say a break up, both are equally important. Both also hold loss.

Someone dying also causes heartbreak. These issues, to me, are innerconnected since both cause a lot of the same feelings and emotions. When someone dies, they're gone for ever, when someone breaks up with you, they are also gone. Perhaps not permanently, but that depends on the situation.

Don't downplay your pain street. Yes there are people worse off than you, but your pain is YOUR pain. And it hurts far worse to you personally, then what someone else is going through. You will get through this, you seem like a very strong person and I believe in you.

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Hi Street,

So sorry to hear about your coworker. These type of news are always shocking and a bit painful even if the person is not an imediate family member. I do wish this person, their family and all those around them who care for them in one way or another lots of cyber good wishes and strength.

Thank you so much for sharing the reflections you made upon learning about this. It does put the heartbreak problem into perspective. Most than anything, because not matter how bad it gets for us at times, it is something temporary that in time seems to fade away and not interfere with eventually finding happiness again.

Yet a brain tumor, a cancer and a terminal illness, well...its terminal, finite, no chance to do anything about it in time, nothing. That is a much tougher situation to be faced with. So thanks again for sharing this with us.

We are sort of on the same timelines as far as our breakups. Much like you I still have my bad days too. But I am glad to see you are doing good. I have been following your story and feel proud for you and the progress you´ve made. I think by this point even though the pain hasn´t completely gone away we have a little more control over our selfs.

Take good care street. We will get through this!


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